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I didn't want to wake up in the morning.

It was an effort to pull myself out of bed upon hearing Lydia's knock on my door, and I was very tempted to feign an illness or an injury in order to just get a few more seconds of sleep. When I open the door, Lydia snorts, her mouth teasing up into a smile as she looks at me.

I have never been and never will be a morning person, so I know how I must look right now. My hair was probably a mess of tangles, my pants were halfway up my ass, and the bags under my eyes probably gave off the look of a dead women. "Geez, you look like you slept well." She muses, letting out a laugh.

I roll my eyes, crossing my hands over my chest. "Give me 5 minutes." I say tiredly, and she just shrugs her shoulders as I close the door again.

This place better have some caffeine.

I slip on a long sleeve black blouse and pants before going to the bathroom and splashing my face with cold water—using my wet fingertips to smooth out the frizz in my hair. I don't bother trying to brush out the tangles, and choose to tie my hair back in a tight ponytail instead.

When I reopen the door, Lydia was waiting patiently, and her green eyes flick across my face. "You still look dead." She points out, and I groan, stepping out into the hall.

"Shut up." I tell her, and she laughs again as we begin to walk down the hall. She leads me back towards the kitchen area, where the other acolytes and priestesses were gathering for breakfast. Food was piled on one of the long tables, and I make a beeline for the container of coffee, pouring myself a full glass before even glancing at the food.

"Not a morning person?" Lydia questions from beside me, and I send her a cold glare as I take a chug of coffee. Her smile only grows at my reaction, and she begins to fill her plate with eggs and bacon. "That sucks." She says, taking her full plate to one of the empty tables laid out around the room.

I sigh before grabbing my own plate and filling it with toast and sausages and eggs—making sure to add 2 pastries and another cup of coffee before joining her at the table. The other acolytes are scattered around the room, most of them sitting alone. The priestesses all take their food to go—none of them lingering before heading back up towards their rooms.

I bet they can sleep in if they want.

I'm thankful that Lydia is too occupied with stuffing her face full of food to talk as I drink my coffee, completely ignoring my food until I drink at least one of the cups in front of me. The coffee wasn't the best I'd ever had, but it certainly wasn't the worst.

The food was bland, but it was still better than the food back in Hybern, and I ate it quickly. "New rule." I say as I stand up from the table, Lydia already moving to the dish pit. "No talking until I've had coffee."

She only rolls her eyes, dropping her plate and silverware into the large sink. "No promises." She quips, and I internally groan. I don't know how some people can be so alive in the mornings. It just didn't make any sense to me.

"You're lucky. We're on stacking duty. It's not that fun, but it's easy. Just follow me." I keep quiet as she leads me through the library—darting through the stacks of books. She stops in front of a cart that was filled to the brim with books—and there were three matching ones sitting beside it.

She quickly goes over how they organized the books—a complicated manor that was a mix of genre/information/alphabetical order/author name. I tried my best to understand, but I knew the second she told me to attempt sorting the books I'd get lost.

I stayed next to her for the first few trips before she sent me off alone with a stack of books. It took me 10 minutes to find where the first book should go, and another 20 before I could locate where to place the second one.

Lovely DemiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora