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As I hang from the ceiling of an abandoned building, my dress unbuttoned in the front and blood dripping from my upper thigh where he slit my dress with a knife, all I can think about is the team's arrival.

Just as the tears begin to leave my eyes and roll down my face, JJ bursts through the door on my left, followed by Morgan and a few officers from the local police department, guns raised.

"FBI, drop your weapon!" She shouts. The UnSub releases the knife from his grip, seemingly shocked by the sudden commotion. 

I let out a sigh of relief and feel the tension release from my body. As one of the officers cuts me down, JJ runs up to me, wrapping her arms around my slender build and pulling me into a tight hug, her left hand on the back of my neck, entangled in my short blonde hair, and her right hand placed on my back. I have to stop my mind from wandering at the thought of her pressed up against my nearly bare chest.

We arrive back at work two days later. I received multiple phone calls and text messages from the team, checking up on me during our days off, particularly from JJ, who says that she has something to share with me today. We've made lunch plans, assuming that we get time for lunch.

After a few hours of paperwork, JJ and I head down to the small diner across from our building and place our orders. As the waitress leaves the table, JJ's eyes meet mine and she says "I'm just going to come right out and say it. It's been almost 2 years, since my first day on the job. I thought I would take this to the grave. I never thought that it would get this far, but seeing you tied up the other day," She took a deep breath, "I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep it in much longer. Danielle, I have...romantic..feelings for you."

To say I was shocked is an understatement. "Wow, JJ. Um, I feel the same." There was a quick pause as we look at each other, smiles growing on our faces. "I've always tried to keep it professional. It's not easy to talk about, especially if you're unaware of the other person's sexuality, but I'm damn glad you had the courage."

We began to eat and continue our conversation until we each receive a text message from Hotch, concerning a new case and head back to work. As we enter the elevator, just the two of us, I press the button to our floor and turn around to JJ watching me with lustful eyes. Without a second thought, I take a step forward, place my hand on the side of her face and pull her into a deep kiss, entangling my hand around the back of her neck and into her straightened, blonde hair.

We quickly compose ourselves before stepping out of the elevator and meeting up with the rest of the team.

As we sit on the jet, headed towards Madison, Wisconsin, I pick up my phone and send a message to JJ saying I suggest we keep this to ourselves for now. Hearing her phone ping, I look up as she reads the text message and replies I agree. A little sneaking around never hurt anyone ;)

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