The day in a life of a puppet

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Puppet ink- uummm hi
Puppet error- why would i listen to you
Puppet ccino- what would you like to drink today
Puppet errors pov
Today I woke up and stretched i looked around for ink he promised we could spar today. I got up and looked at bigger me he seemed to be making clothes for one of us. Ink tackles me to the ground scaring the crap out of me "A WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE!" He giggles and i roll my eyes pushed him off. "Your funny error now come on lets go to ccino first then we could spar." But i dont wanna go to ccino." He ignored me and dragged me over to ccino. I sighed he never listens. I wonder what bigger me's relationship with his ink cause me and ink are pretty good friends or at least i think we're friends.

Puppets ink pov
I like messing with error he's nice to mess with. Thats all i like about him. Other me is weird to say the least always doing something. I honestly feel dad for him but i mean hey things happen for a reason right like the fact there's been a weird skeleton watching bigger error or maybe the fact we are alive. "Can i have a cataccino" "can i have a hot coco with some ice cream" ccino nods and walks off to make out order. Me and error sit down he seemed to be agitated and to be honest i could kinda understand why. "Come on error lighten up" he signed and tapped his fingers against the table.

Puppets error pov
I want this to be over with maybe after this I could sneak away. I sigh i hear ink talking but i never really payed attention. I kinda lost interest in whatever we were doing.

The parasite and the glitch  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora