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Astragalus was sitting in her desk, planting more flowers for her medication — most for herself.

“Aha! Now I have tea for days. Just need to...”

Pastille burst the door open, a worried expression on his face.

“WE'RE NOT O-” She exclaims, before knowing who was there.

“Pastille? What are you doing here? I thought your boyfriend already came with the samples.”

“It's not about that! I need your help!!”

“Did something happen again?”

“W-Well... Not really, but I want to ask you something...”

She stopped looking through her plants, sighing.

“Go on.”

“I-I was wondering if you know about Periwinkle's favorite type of gift?"

“He loves you. He'd probably love any gift you'd get him.”

“I know, but I was wondering how I could try to make it special? I want to propose to him!!”

Her eyes widened.

“So, you want to propose? And you need MY advice?”

“Yes! You know him way longer, so I thought... You could give me some advice...”

She sighed, continuing.

“Alright, I'll tell you. Periwinkle is the kind of guy that loves a well-thought-out proposal. If you want to surprise him, the best idea is to arrange something, like a romantic dinner or a gift he can't refuse. Don't give him the idea that you're going to propose on the spot. That's how all the bad proposals start, or so I've heard.”

“Oh, and his favorite gifts are dresses. I'm pretty sure you know that already, but buy him a pretty dress, and maybe some flowers, that'll be enough to convince him...”

“Thank you, Astragalus!!”

“Don't mention it.” She said, then opened the door, “Now get outta my store, it's not even open!!”

Pastille left smiling, rushing home.

Once he got home, he went straight to business.

He managed to order a pretty ring, along with some other gifts.

He picked a rather special place to take him, something that'll make him more happier.

He finally knew what to do. How to do it.

He couldn't just say “Will you marry me?” right when they saw each other, that would be weird.

He already knew what to do for him. Everything will go well.


"I do" A Peristille fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now