"Will you marry me?"

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This chapter's gonna be pretty long, I hope you'll enjoy!

This chapter was also inspired by most of the other Peristille fanfictions on here!

"I love you, so will... No, that's really short..."

Pastille stood at the mirror, trying to know how he could do it.

"All the time we spent together was great, and I... No, that doesn't sound good either..."

"What is this."

Pastille looked around, to see Syrup standing at the door.

"Syrup! I-I..!"

"Why are you proposing to a mirror?"

"I-I'm not! I'm..."

"I know, I know already."

Pastille turned bright red.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"W-Well..." He continued, trying to explain, "I already... planned all of this, and you barely know him and aren't even in a relationship, so I tho..."

"Don't you underestimate me. I could've tried helping you either way."

"You barely get out of that basement!!"

"Well, you could've just asked me!!"

She sighed, going to him.

"Come here. I'll try helping you."

Periwinkle's POV

Today was the day.
It was me and Pastille's anniversary~!

I already went to Atelier Sweets, bought him a bunch of gifts and took him on a date, just as I said before.
He was so happy!

Oh, what a wonde-


I heard some knocks on my door.

Pastille is here~!

I opened the door, and there he was. Smiling.

"Hey, Peri...!"

Pastille was dressed elegantly, slightly blushing a bit once seeing me notice him.

"Dress up. We're going on a date <3"


I gasped, before smirking.

"And where are you whisking me off to, my sweet?"

"It's a surprise! Now, get dressed, okay?"

"Hmhm, if you say so <3"

I smiled, and then rushed off to get ready.

Ah, so he decided to take me on a date~!

I wonder what's the surprise he's talking about <3

Once we got ready, we went to the restaurant.

It looked so nice~! The place was clean, and the food looked delicious.

I gave the waiter my order.

Pastille ordered us a bottle of wine and strawberry cheesecake.

When the food came, Pastille dug in right away.

I watched him eat, and... sighed in happiness.

Pastille's smile, and his eyes gazing at me was like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I couldn't help but smile back.

"Ah, what are you thinking of, my sweet~?"

"A-Ahaha...! No, nothing..."

&quot;I do&quot; A Peristille fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now