Chapter 16

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I woke up slowly. My senses coming in individually. First my sense of touch, I could feel that I was sitting on a concrete floor as well as leaning against a rock wall. I could tell my the coldness and dampness of our surrounding.

Next my sense of smell. I could smell a dampness in the air. Not a hit dampness but a dampness where multiple fluids have been met -blood and water.

After, I could start to make out muffled words. "Where are we?", "it's so cold," and "shut up your mouth,".

At the last sentence I felt my mouth twitch open into a smirk. That must be Bell. I open my eyes after this. Originally it's blurry but the more I force my brain to focus the more I can see clearly.

I look around to see me being the last one awake. The first person my eyes recognise is Seb. Because you like him. My brain tell me, well shut up brain because I don't!

Yeah, that didn't even sound convincing to my own self inside my head. Shaking my head of the thoughts I continue to look around. It's a small cell with bared windows and bars as a door. So, you can see who is coming. A method to make to fear the people more. Ha not me!

Brought back to the present by Brit screeching I notice; Bell is glaring daggers at Brit who I'm assuming is the one who complained, because why wouldn't she?

I couldn't help but join in, "yeah stop your squeaky voice, it's horrible to hear when you wake up and we don't need to hear dogs start howling." At my statement I see Ant and Brit look at me and give me big smirks. However, I can also see trace of fear in their faces. To little for anyone else to notice.

Before, I can reassure them that I am fine, I hear Brit trying to talk back. I look over and even in the dimly lit room I can tell her face is as red as a tomato. All she can do is splutter, as I'm about to reply with a sarcastic comment I hear clunky boots echoing of the concrete floor towards us.

As the boots stop In front of the cell. I can see that the man has a scar along his face, emphasising that he is supposedly evil. I can't help but want to laugh, because to me he looks a cuddly teddy bear. Okay, yes I am a bit crazy but no-one is left the same after what I have been through.

"Welcome," it's one simple word, but I see my brothers shaking with fear. Seb having a worried expression and Brit with a stunned look as well as a dark patch on her jeans. Now that's funny.

The mysterious man doesn't say anything. But, I can see his eyes calculating. He eyes Eve one one of us individually and decides to go for Brit. Who is surprised? Not me, she is the one that will break or force my brothers to break.

In the blink of an eye he is in front of her holding her up by the throat on the wall. I see her trying to gasp for breath and clawing at the man's face but no success is made.

Let her go!" My brother demands "she has nothing to do with this, she knows nothing at all," he continues. Seriously, eye roll. He does realise that not everything is about him right.

At this the man laughs. A laugh that implies he knows something that my brother doesn't. I know this laugh because I have used that laugh many times.

"You know nothing," the man says, "I'm not here for your little mafia I'm hear for a much bigger fry,". Me, Bell and Ant look at each other discretely, making sure to not draw attentions to ourselves.

Even though we don't speak but look at each other. We can all make out what the other is saying. This is about us.

The question is which us. The kidnapped us, the great assassins us, me being the one machine or us owning the most powerful mafia. Each question is bad but let's just say some will me much worse thank others.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asks. At this a smirk appears on the man's face. All I do is mentally face plan. Because there is one thing that you don't do. Never let your enemy know that they have the upper hand. Because then they hold all the cards. Like has he not ever been trapped before, tortured before. Thinking about it probably not. Only me then? Yay!

"We are not here for you," the man says slowly, "I'm here for one person and one person only; black frost." My brothers faces change from worry to confusion because to them they don't know who black frost is or who they are.

I see Seb have a look of recognition. So, he knows of me. Soon after Seb nudges Ben I see realisation also cloud their eyes.

"Black frost is the ultimate assassin and fighter" Ben starts, "if I knew who they were I would kiss them," at the last sentence I can't help but shudder internally - my brother want to kiss me.

"Yeah," Ethan buts in, "we don't know anything about her,". At this I am so tempted to actually bash my face into the wall, floor or anything remotely painful.

Come on, seriously stop giving the man clues about what you don't know. Because he will only use it to break you.

"Hahaha!" The laughing boom of the main echoes around the cell. "Well, this is going to me more fun than I originally thought,". Once he said this he turned to look at Me, Bell and Ant. Before, I notice he is across the room and punches me in the jaw. Making my head swing to the side. I feel blood in my mouth but all I do is smirk as the tingling sensation that should be pain fills my body.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you so much for the votes, reads and comments. Please let me know if it's a good book or not. And thank you again! ❤️❤️

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