Chapter 6

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Emily rushes ahead the team and into the police station. Kai looks up when she hears the door open. She sees Emily and Emily sees her. They run into a hug.

"Thank you so much for coming!" Kai exclaims while still in Emily's embrace.
"I had to come help you." Emily smiles.

The rest of the team walks in the room. JJ smiles at them and because she knew how much Emily missed her. Emily and Kai break from the embrace.

"Ok, so, Emily and JJ stay here with Kai while me, Spencer, Derek, and Rossi go talk to Sadie." Hotch explains.
Everyone nods and goes to their places.

Emily sits next to Kai and JJ sits next to Emily.
"As much as I would like to talk about good things, we have to talk about what's been happening with Sadie." Emily tells Kai and Kai nods.
"Close your eyes and think about the first occurrence." Emily tells Kai.

"It was on the way back to her house from the police station. She told me we were almost to her house. All I said was ok, but she started going on about how I was ungrateful. Once we got to her house, I ran out of the car and into the woods. While in the woods, I dialed 911. I told the operator about her trying to hurt me. Before I could get into the conversation, the cell service goes out. Sadie then picks me up and drags me back to the house. She didn't even let me get settled in before she started to beat me senseless. She punched, kicked, scratched, and screamed at me. It went on for a good hour." Kai takes a deep breath as a tear escapes her eye.

"Was there any other major occurrences at that house?"

"Sadie came home. I could smell the alcohol in her breath. She didn't even say anything to me, she just hurt me. First, she slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground. She kicked me over and over. She then aggressively pulls me up from the ground. I try to run away but she catches me. I grab the tv remote because it was the closest thing. I hit her hard enough to make her let go of me, but again she grabbed me and I got extra punishment for that. She didn't feed me that whole week. I also got a beating everyday." Kai says, trying her best to stay calm.

"You did a wonderful job." Emily rubs Kai's back.
"Thanks." Kai slightly smiles.

In that moment, Emily saw how broken that poor child was. She could smile to cover up all her pain. She seemed to trust Emily. Emily could make her happy it even the worst situations.

In the other room

Hotch gets off the phone with Penelope.
"Apparently, Sadie has been to court for 6 cases of abuse to foster children. She was declared innocent every time." Hotch notifies the rest of the team.
"I'm gonna go in and talk to her." Derek tells Hotch.
"Ok just try to make her admit to hurting Kai." Hotch tells Derek.

Derek walks into the interrogation room.
"So, I heard you were abusing Kai. And there has been many other cases that people accused you of hurting them. Have anything to say about that?"
"Admit it, you have a drinking problem and take it out on kids you foster."
"I do not."
"Well it says here that you went to the bar right before Kai called the police about you abusing her."
"You can't trust that girl. All she wanted was to make Emily come back for her. She never wanted me. That made me angry! Emily would be a shit parent! I'm better than her!"
"I think we're done here." Derek says as he leaves the room.

"Get Emily in here please." Hotch asks Derek.
Derek goes out to the waiting room.
"Hey Em, can I talk to you for a minute?" Derek asks.
"Sure." Emily turns to look at Kai. "I'll be right back."
Emily goes with Derek.

"Come here, Em."
"Yes, sir?"
"When we were talking to Sadie, she said that Kai always wanted you to come back for her." Hotch smiles at Emily.
"I've wanted to be with her from the moment I met her. I just thought that she wouldn't like that I had to be away from home so much. I want Kai to enjoy living with me, not wish I was there." Emily looks down.
"If you just talk with her, you might be surprised to hear how she feels about the subject." Hotch encourages Emily.

Emily goes back with Kai.
"Hey, I heard that you've been waiting for me to come back for you." Emily tells Kai as she sits down next to her.
"I have been waiting." Kai admits.
"I was wondering if you'd want me to be your new foster mom. Just before you answer, you should know that I would be away from home a lot. You would have to stay with our technical analyst, Penelope Garcia. Its gonna be rough."

"I don't care how rough it is. I would love to have a mother like you. I can deal with you not being there all the time. I'm sure Penelope is cool and I will enjoy staying with her." Kai smiles.
"So is that a yes?" Emily asks.
"Yes!" Kai exclaims before she hugs Emily.

Hotch and the rest of the team come out into the waiting room.
"Sadie has been sentenced 20 years in prison for child endangerment." Hotch announces.

Kai smiles knowing that she is getting rid of Sadie and going with Emily.

"We can fly home now." Hotch says.
He then pulls Emily aside.
"How'd it go?"
"She said yes!" Emily smiles.
"That's good!" Hotch smiles back.
"Is it ok if I take some time off and settle things?" Emily asks.

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