Chapter 27

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At the BAU

"The woman chose a different type of victim every time. It's not just the security guard. It's been a mother, a manager, and a young child." Reid explains.
"She shoots them in the gut. They bleed out while they rob the bank." JJ states.
"She's sadistic she gets off of her victims' pain and the fear it incites in those around her." Emily also adds.

Colonial National Bank

"Move him out of here." The Queen tells a man.
Meanwhile, the King and Jack are together.
"Stay with me Olly. Where's my medic?" The King asks.
"I don't see him." The Queen says.
"Kill someone else, that will make them listen." The King tells the Queen.

At the BAU

"It also appears the king is in charge of the money grabbing operation while the Queen keeps track of time, making sure they're in and out in under two minutes." Reid says.
"She's more in control of the operation than they let on." Emily states.
"Turning the king and queen against each other could be the key to disarming them." Reid says.

"He's not a killer. That could be our in." JJ suggests.
"Only if the Jack doesn't die. If he does..." Emily pauses.

Colonial National Bank

Derek preps the medic to go into the bank. Rossi calls the King again and the King picks up.
"Why hasn't anyone come in yet?" The king asks.
"We're sending in the medic. Now, Chris, tell Oliver help is on the way."
"Hurry," the king hangs up, "They know our names."

The Queen yanks off her mask and looks at the security camera.
"Not all our names." The Queen starts to put on lipstick.

"They're sending someone in." The king informs the Queen.
The Jack starts talking to the King.
"Olly, Olly, no. No, no, no, stay with me. What are you doing? They're sending in a medic. You're gonna be fine." The king talks to the Jack while the Queen lets the medic in.

The Jack starts to struggle to breath.
"Get over here!" The King shouts at the medic.
The medic gets down.
"You're gonna save him, right?"
"I'm gonna try. Oliver, can you hear me? Stay with me Oliver." The medic says as he tries to get oxygen to the Jack.

"This is not good." Rossi says as he watches the security camera.
"Morgan, tell Green to make a move before Chris does." Hotch tells Derek.
"Green, you gotta go. Green, go." Morgan demands.

The green goes to leave but Oliver shoots him twice. Everyone watches in shock.

S.W.A.T starts to get in shooting position around the bank. The director sent them.

Inside the bank, the Queen demands that two of the hostages carry the medics body over where the other bodies were. The king demands everyone to move up five feet.

At the BAU

"Agent Prentiss, there's a call for you from Interpol." Kevin tells Emily.
"Take a message please." Emily says.
"It's Clyde Easter." Emily turns around.

"Your old unit chief?" Reid asks.
"He says he has information about the Queen of diamonds." Emily nods and goes over to answer the phone.

"Sorry I missed your funeral, by the way. I was held up in Prague." Clyde says.
"So you're not surprised." Emily says.
"Of course not. Keeping tabs on my former assets is a particular skill of mine."

"Ok, what can you tell me about my mystery woman?"
"Ah, yes, um if she seems familiar to you, she should. We don't know her identity but we've seen her before. She's struck a number of banks worldwide including-"
"Paris! There was a robbery when I relocated there. Someone died."
"Oh yes, the bank manager, Glenn Harrison."
"Gut shot?"
"Yes. How did you know?"

"I don't remember hearing anything about the robber wearing a mask."
"That's because she didn't. She's seemed to be wearing disguises. Her face has been seen on camera by 6 different intelligence agencies and no one can identify her."
"How is that possible? Wait, who were her partners overseas?"
"She didn't need any."
"Then why would she now?"

Colonial National Bank

"What if the smaller banks were training runs for the Stratton brothers?" Rossi asks.
"Well it could be. She took two relatively amateur thugs and turned them into an elite team of bank robbers." Derek adds.


"But why? To turn them into patsies?" Emily asks Reid and JJ.
"Ok. So let's look at it, up until now they have been highly organized, striking only on deposit days when the most amount of cash is on hand." JJ states all the facts.
"But, today's different. So for Saturday hit when families are present there's more foot traffic throughout the day."
"That might be why the female unsub is so vein, she wants to look good for the cameras." Emily says.

Colonial National Bank

"It's a riskier attack." Will states.
"We should consider the media attention and it's the first time they've had an audience." Hotch says before they look back over at the Queen on the surveillance cameras.

"She searches the bank, but doesn't actually look for the means to escape. She appears to be almost enjoying the situation." Rossi analyzes the Queen.
"I know the brothers are in it for the money, what she in it for?" Hotch asks.

Inside the bank

The Queen walks over to the King.
"Where the hell have you been?" The king asks without looking away from his hands.
"Been looking for an escape route. There isn't one." The Queen explains.
"So much for your no back doors, no surprises plan. You screwed us." The king says.
"Then why don't you negotiate a way out of here?" The Queen asks when the phone rings.

The king walks over and answers the phone.
"What?" He asks in a agitated mood.
"How do you want to end this Chris?" Rossi asks.
"I want out of here."
"How do you suppose to do that?"
"I want a army truck and a plane with a clear fly path to Switzerland," The king says but the Queen buts in, "No, no, no, Chad, we want to go to Chad." The Queen tells Rossi.
"Yeah, no agents with guns this time, we'll fly ourselves." The king hangs up.

He stands up and grabs the queen's hair.
"Don't do that again. I'm in charge here." He pushes the Queen away and walks away from her.

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