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*break break break*

Sound of glasses shattering in the kitchen is heard again accompanied by shouting and doors slammed shut. I sighed and continue with my homework. It's like a daily thing for me to hear all that stuff. My parents aren't what the papers publish and talk about. It seems like when they're outside they have this whole new personalities that makes them seem lovable and worth being looked up to. But when they're both behind close doors it's like they don't have limitations and break stuff in the kitchen and argue a lot, but when there are cameras they seem so in love with each other and be all lovey-dovey. It makes me sick, because I feel that they are doing all that for the cameras and they don't care if their daughter sees them like that. They are acting like such good person to be the center of attention and be everyone's inspiration but I, their daughter can't even look them in the eye for a second due to my dissapointment. Hell, we can't even have a normal conversation as a family. Everyone sees us as a perfect family image but the truth is we aren't. Sure we are on the outside but on the inside we are a broken family who needs serious help.

My name is Chelsea Princeton. 17 years old. You may think that I am living an extraordinarry life but the truth is I'm not. It's the polar opposite actually. I'd rather have a happy family who can't afford to buy me expensive things than have luxury instead of love. Don't let my parents fool you. Actually I am not Miss Perfect. I have lots of problems but since it's out of hand. I am now immune to the pain. I am most certainly


This is my story...

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