Chapter 1

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Pounding on my door can be heard from the distance. It's probably my mom or dad drunk off their ass trying to lecture me again on how I'm imperfect, but I'm not in the mood for it so I just got my earphones and put my phone in full blast and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Light shone through the windows in my room, obviously the curtains were not fully closed. I tried to go back to sleep but failed miserably. I decided to just wake up from my sleep the clock read 5:47 . It's too early for me to wake up but since school starts at 7:00 I guess I should just shower and get ready to be extra early. I got two towels from my cabinet and went into my bathroom that is connected with my room. Thank gosh! I have my own bathroom, if not my mom or dad would have lectured me by now for not opening the door last night.

When the shower was hot enough for me I decided to wash my hair and body and applied an apple scented shampoo and conditioner and put some sweet-smelling soap and washed all of it out so that it won't get to my eye and blind me, which I doubt it will. After shaving, I was done. I went to my room and put on some lotion and went to my walk-in closet and got a dark jeans and sweatshirt and got some brown combat boots. Then I started blow-drying my hair and brushing it until it looks somewhat presentable.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and fast. It's already 6:12 which means my mom and dad will eventually come down and judge my choice of food which is just a bowl of cereal and milk but it's in a rather bigger bowl than the normal one I usually eat in. Speak of the devil both of them are coming to the kitchen, and I'm so screwed right now.

"Chelsea, why are you eating in a big bowl. You would become fat! Don't you ever think everything through. If you gain a pound what would people think about us? That we are horrible parents, letting our daughter eat such big proportion of food" My mom raised her whiny high-pitched voice.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her. Why can't I eat in this bowl? It's not like I'm doing something illegal. She really can't shut up, could she? My dad on the other hand was glaring at me, burning holes in my body.

"Why didn't you open the door last night? My dad suddenly speak up.

My breath was caught up in my throat. I tried to regain my posture and answer directly.

"Because I was asleep"

"Whatever, but next time open the goddamn door. Or else." He said with much authority in his voice.

Thank gosh! My dad isn't that bad of a person considering my mom. She's a bitch. There I said it. I can't stand her. Always being dolled-up, wearing tons of make-up. She might as well be one of the sluts in our school, since she hangs out with guy models and claims them to be JUST her friends. Friends my ass, they might be fucking for all I know. She is a self-centered bitch who just cares about herself rather than her family. She doesn't even pay attention to me, just stating my flaws. And I don't really care, because that what makes me who I am. Plus I'm immune to the pain since three years ago because I finally realized to not care what they think about me.

I don't completely hate my mom but she just get on my nerves which makes in infuriating for me. Don't get me wrong she's beautiful. She has a blonde hair with brown streaks and green eyes she is thin and is tall compare to me.

I am a brunette with medium-length hair. I'm short compared to my mom. My eyes are blue which I inherited from my dad. But I don't get why I'm a brunette since both my parents are blondes.

After finishing my bowl of cereal accompanied by my mom saying how she wants her nose done or shit like that I finally went to school. I bid both of them goodbyes and got on my car and drove to school.

Five minutes later I arrived at a deserted campus, as always. Students mostly come during last person minute while I on the other hand want to come extra early to avoid any physical contact with humans or whatsoever.

When I went to my first class which is English, the teacher is at her desk and greeted me while I returned the gesture. After about 10 minutes, students pile up and the teacher started her lesson.

After a good session of classes it was finally lunch time. I went to the cafeteria and few people stare at me while I make my way to the line, that is moving quite slowly. When it was my turn, I got a milk yogurt and just chips and a chicken. I have to eat, I have a big appetite and have a quick metabolism. It's an advantage really because I can choose whether I want to lose or gain weight. My parents don't know because they could care less. But I want my mom to know it so that she would let me eat tons of food but I doubt she will.

When I was halfway through my food, Allen a bully/slut approached me while everyone on the cafeteria was watching her every move.

"Well, what do we have here? If it isn't Miss Perfect?" She said in her annoying voice that makes me cringe.

"Haha, whatever Allen." I said blankly not in the mood to fight.

"Awe, are you said that no one wants to be friend with you? While everyone wants to be with me?" She said pouting and smiling very sweetly that makes me sick.

"Why would anyone wants to hang out with you?" I said my eyebrows raised.

Before she could reply, I cut her off.

"They probably want to because you're an easy fuck. You're probably sloppy in bed, am I right? With all the boys you'd shagged with. They were ashamed probably. Sleeping with a whore like you . Sorry but I'm not jealous sweetie" I talked back to her smiling.

She was gobsmacked. But she did try to make a comeback, which failed miserably.

"B-but you're a Virgin Mary! You're probably awful in bed" she said practically yelling. While I just stared at her amused with a smirk on my face.

"I'm a virgin Allen. You just got backfired" I smirked

She finally realized her mistake and tried to cover it up but it was too late everyone was laughing at her. She stormed out of the cafeteria probably red with both anger and embarrassment. Ha! She literally deserved that though. I continue eating my lunch. Just in time when I was finished the bell rang which means more classes. Sigh...

After a long day of classes I went to my car and drove home. When I got to the driveway, my mom's car is parked there next to a black range rover that seems really expensive. Must be one of the 'models' . I wouldn't be surprised if I caught them doing it on the couch. Actually I'm not bothered with it anymore since I've caught her with basically four guys before so it's no biggie now. When I went inside, I directly went to my room upstairs. I heard grunting and moaning? Ughh.. Who could it be right now. If you were here in my place right now you could definitely hear my mom shouting profanities and screaming while I'm just stuck in my spot frozen. You would literally be disgusted directly.

Shaking my head, I went to my room and plugged my phone to a mini speaker near my bedside table and put on 'Centuries' by Fall Out Boy. I put the volume higher than usual hopefully to stop hearing the sound of my mom and the 'model' doing the deed. I went on my bookshelf and got a book and easily got consumed in it forgetting all about the music playing and the knocking on the door forcefully. I didn't noticed a boy was standing in front of me only wearing a boxer until he put the speaker to a lower volume and cleared his throat.

I looked up to see a guy with green eyes and a wild sex hair may I add. I'm not going to lie and say he's ugly. He has a toned torso and maybe a few tattoos, he's attractive but I'm not dazzled by his beauty or charms. Actually I feel disgusted since he's like 25 while my mom is almost 40. It's like molesting a teenage boy but whatever, I don't give a damn. He cleared he's throat and spoke.

"You're Chelsea right?" He said in his raspy voice

"Yeah, so?" i asked clearly annoyed.

"Nothing, I thought I would just check on you" He said looking down at his feet.

"What are you my dad? You're just basically a toy for my mom. And why would you check on me while wearing only that?" I asked curious

"Well, clearly you're mean so I'll just go. Bye babe" He said chuckling and winking at me finally going out of my room.

I snorted and continued reading my book. What an eventful day.

Hello! I decided to update since I got 23 reads already. Thank you so much :) Please vote and comment, it would mean so much to me. Share this story please 😁 Please don't be a ghost reader everyone. Screw that limit I said last time 😂 xx

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