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Do you ever feel like when you try to do something right it tends to do the opposite? That's what I'm feeling right now, I'm trying to be the right kind of daughter for my parents. But it seems that they don't accept me for who I am. They want me to be perfect and just be like them. They could care less about me. Happiness? Well I haven't felt that in a long time actually because of all these rules that makes me seem perfect to others. Freedom? My parents don't even allow me to go outside by myself without being lectured on what to do, I feel like a princess who can't do anything right. I'm tired of them, tired of their constant bickering, they don't even care about me.!Well I'm not going to he trapped here for long you see, I'm almost 18. My birthday is in 4 months which is quite near so I'm now trying to find a place to stay.

Niall Horan

Blood... The thing I keep smelling in this cell, my t-shirt was hugging my body due to the immense sweat. It's bloody hot here and I don't know how I could get out. I tried to use my power but the cell is fireproof... No matter how hard I try I can't escape. I don't even know why I'm here. I didn't do anything wrong except causing a fire on a small town and hearing their screams and pleading for someone to help them. I can't though, why would I? I don't even know those people , so why should I feel guilty for them? They're just for my personal entertainment. I am a destructor it's what I am born for, to destroy everything that blocks my way.


The thing that makes me powerful, I don't know if I should be happy I was gifted to have this power but I guess I should be. I'm not here to love, no. I'm here to destroy, destroy everything... I am destruction. But an academy found me and kept me in a cell for almost a week now. I'm stuck with no food nor water that can make me feel a tad bit better but I could care less right now I just watched people die from being burned alive and what makes it more enjoyable is that I was the one who caused their death. From just that it made me stronger and more powerful so that was enough for me to last a month or so on. No I'm not a demon, I'm just a human being who was gifted to have a power to summon fire. How do I consume and most likely enjoy the feeling of people pleading and screaming for help? Well I guess I am born half-demon and half-human since I don't feel pity towards anyone or anything at all but man was I bloody wrong. Who would've thought that a short problematic brunette that just popped into my life could change it all? But that's just a sneak peek of my story. You don't know me just because of that simple information I just told you. There is more to my story than you know. It's a sick-twisted one, so I suggest you to stay tune.

Hey! So I decided to make a Niall Horan AU. I was in the mood for a Niall fanfiction so I decided to make one. I didn't thought about this until I started writing this Sneak Peek 😂 So I'm gonna update the first chapter if I get 5 votes and 3 comments on this one. So do it! Byeeee!!!! I'm gonna write chapter 1 now so if you want to read it then vote and comment :) x

Fireproof N.H AUWhere stories live. Discover now