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We see a green haired girl playing with her friends in her room when four adults came in .

Inko: Izumi it's cake cutting time .

Izumi: Yes today I am 10 years old!

Toshinori:Yes honey .

A blonde boy and girl then said something.

Katsuki&Katsumi: Yeah and we are more near to become heroes!

Then another blonde said.

Mitsuki : There is still much time left before you guys even become heroes.

Masaru:Ah honey let them enjoy these moments will never comeback.

Scene changes to Izuku who came back to his room after intense training with his new teacher Colonel Armen . As he killed his Captain Repros in the age of 8 . He was angry as he was pushed around by the Captain. So he killed him with his bare hands. But this time the new teacher is strong , strict and intelligent in both fighting and training. Tired Izuku fell on his bed as he was really tired. He fell asleep.  In his dreams he remembered what the Colonel told him.

Colonel Armen: If you want to break out of this system  then get stronger.  And if you want to be stronger then you need my training.

●● Timeskip to after 4 years. Colonel Armen died in a mission due to huge star blast near them . The ruthless heat killed his entire squad.  Izuku was a little sad●●

Izuku: Why are you gone I thought you wanted to  see me get out of this system!( he cries as he saw Colonel Armen as a father he never had . The Colonel gave him a goal to achieve.  A goal to achieve freedom)

When he was mourning for Colonel Armen. Another Colonel came into his room his name was Taggart. 

Colonel Taggart: You, cadet I heard from Armen that you are strong . We are a little low  on soldiers . You will join my forces on a mission. 

As he was brought in the team without his consent.  Izuku was too shocked to do anything.  In the mission to concur a planet he was in the middle of a battle field still shocked and crying for Armen. When it struck to him he still have to do what he promised to Armen. To destroy this system and his race. Izuku launched towards his Team then started brutally killing the team  with his powers. The habitants were confused as why did he killed of his team.

Habitant soldier:Why did you killed your team?

Izuku was silent he controlled his rage and started using it for his own gain when he 10 years old.

Izuku: To stop the crime that my race does. To stop this madness I have to destroy my own race.

As he suddenly flew away towards the mother ship faster than the speed of light. He crashes into his ship making big holes and destroying parts of the ship . He made his way through the ship to the king. He stands strong and bold against the king.

King Gretos:You are really a bold child to stand in front of me. Aren't you?

Izuku:I am here to stop this enslaving madness and stop your madman rule. Killing other species  will bring no good to our race.

King Gretos: So what do you do Kill your own race. You know your a silly boy. Like your father a good but silly soldier.  You're smarter you inherited our knowledge and used it against us.

Izuku:I don't need anything to learn from you .

King Gretos:( He uses a small mic) My people a traitor is trying to kill me keep me safe.

As hundreds and thousands of male-female Viltrumites started attacking Izuku.

He slayed about a 100k or more Viltrumites. In their battle the whole ship got destroyed.

Izuku was in the space floating after kill 
a lot of his people. When he was smacked by Gretos.

King Gretos:You killed everyone and destroyed everything.  You made my dream come true. Our ruthless race needed to be stopped.

Izuku: You could do that by ordering them! You are a madman.

King Gretos: You think as a king I have all the power I am in control! It's not . You killed the space which carried the organization that originally made our race ruthless.  You freed our race from their shackles. Fight me now give me good fight .

As they are fighting they are making some powerful Shockwaves destroying nearby barren planets. In the end Izuku grabbed the king by the neck and was about to snap it when Gretos lasered him with his laser eyes to get free.

Izuku: Huh how did you do that ?!

King Gretos: It's something that our predecessor Krytonians used before getting destroyed with their planet. We Viltrumite were originally Kryptoninas who were calm not fight crazy like us.

Izuku the grabbed king behind the back with speed and  strength and German supplexed him to a planet then tore the lore portion of his body.

King Gretos:Atlast a worthy fight after over 5000 years. I can die a warrior's death.

Izuku was now standing near him panting.

Izuku: Why didn't you stop your people made them aware of the wrong deeds.

King Gretos: Do you think I didn't?! I tried from my childhood when I learnt about the crimes we do but was stopped by my deceived father as the organization wanted me to stop. I tried again sneakily which cost my father's life , plant and my people.  So i gave in but when I saw those flames in you I knew you will free us and you did by destroying it. Thank you!

Izuku:Huh then I am the only one?

King Gretos:No you need to stop the other Viltrumites sent to other planets as agents to concur them. You need to stop them if you want to stop the empire . Farewell child.(As the old man gave his last breath)

Izuku looked up towards the space then looked down at the corpse . He now know he has a lot more work to do . He can't rest.

Izuku: (looked at the king) Fuck you !(as he stomps the corpse with sheer force also destroying the barren planet he supplexed the king.

I have to go to my birthplace first as he starts  flying towards Earth

Viltrumite Izuku Where stories live. Discover now