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Izuku started to live on Earth with the Grayson family. After Debbie and Cecil explained Nolan about his crimes and wrong doing and also that the Viltrum Empire was destroyed by Izuku . Nolan was angry that the Empire has fallen but he now knew that he was wrong and he is free of the Empire's shackles. He doesn't need to conquer any planet . Nolan started changing his ways of thinking he became more human than he was Viltrumite and alo tried to become a better dad, better husband and better hero.

Izuku who arrived on Earth on 12th February 2104 started living with the Grayson family from 18th February. He also started to go to nearby school to learn more about humans and also mix with them except he couldn't. He weirded everyone out with his simple attitude and couldn't make any friends. Though Izuku didn't mind about it.

Izuku started doing hero jobs with Mark with a custom costume made by scientists under Cecil's wings. Izuku found this world beautiful with so may terrains to explore. He started to like living in Earth.

He also started to do Yoga , martial arts to gain more control over his disastrous anger.

After an year on February 18th Debbie decided to do a birthday party for Izuku as he doesn't remember his birthdate. So Debbie decided that this date will be his birthday as he started to live with them on this day. Izuku accepted it.

Meanwhile Nolan tried to be friendly with Izuku but he avoided him , cause he doesn't believe that he has changed.  Although in reality he did changed he became more kinder than before and also tried not to be hard on anyone.

On 18th February after the birthday party Izuku decided to talk with both Debbie and Mark about something he never wanted to share but he trusted them. So he decided to share it.

(Ps: Eve knows Izuku as a Grayson family's member and helping partner of Mark in hero work)

After dinner they sat in the living room to talk. Nolan wasn't present there because he was out there fighting monsters to gain people's trust back even though the truth that he murdered the Guardians Of the Globe never came into surface.

Izuku:So I am the thing I am about to talk about is something that I hid from everyone.

Debbie:What is it Izuku?

Mark: Yeah what is it?

Izuku: It's really a dark time of my past mostly my struggle. You see the Viltrum army wanted to make me like the ultimate Viltrumite soldier for themselves as they captivated me into a heat cell near a supernova. 

Debbie: What is a supernova?

Izuku: Supernova is a blast when a star explodes. The energy it released can normally burn any to their molecule.
And we Viltrumites are vulnerable to those kind of heats.

Mark: So why were you kept in their?

Izuku:You see we Viltrumite can go past our limits easily after quite some struggle.  And I did in the army by killing many of there other test subjects and also killing some Higher-ups. So they thought if they put me in the special heat absorbing cell as test dummy because they thought I will die.

Debbie: So what happened?

Izuku:I was hurt my flesh burnt and burnt slowly.  But because of my telekinesis power's special ability to revert my body to a normal stage before burnt. My skin got somewhat resistant to that high amount of heat. Though if I go towards it's core then I will die. My telekinesis power won't recover me.

Viltrumite Izuku Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin