Chapter 50

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A/N-A longer chapter for you all. If you like it, please be sure to star this chapter. Have a good day!


I quickly grabbed Adriana's foot, stopping it cold before it could smash my fingers.

And then I dragged her off the roof.

However, I didn't have the heart to let go. Instead, we both dangled off the room, me preventing her from seriously getting injured. It seemed as though I risked my life saving her, like in a cliché action movie, but I was just saving myself.

My shoulder screamed in pain. It was supporting my body—which it wasn't supposed to do without its companion, my other shoulder—and, in addition, it was now taking on Adriana's weight. I had no doubt my shoulder would be immobile for a couple of days—given that I survived this.

Adriana reacted quickly and began to try to grab my neck with her hands, seemingly wanting to kill me. However, since she was hanging upside down and she had to fight the force of gravity to reach me, it was like trying to do a sit-up while a car was on her. "How dare you, Jackson!"

"How the hell does everybody know my last name?" I wondered out loud. "Does somebody have it tattooed on their forehead?"

"What are you doing?!" Rosaline exclaimed to me. "Drop her!"

But it was too late. Somehow, with all the forces acting on her, Adriana was in such great physical condition that she managed to hoist herself up halfway and punch me in the stomach as hard as she could. It hurt. A lot.

"What are you doing?" I gasped at her, the wind knocked out of me. "You're going to kill us both!"

My grip on the roof lessened significantly, as so did my grip on Adriana's shoe. Both of my arms felt as though they were going to pop off me any second.

Adriana punched me in the stomach again, only I had the distinct impression she somehow put two more times her force into it, and it felt as though I was going to heave up my dinner. "That's the plan."

"Don't be crazy!"

"It's not madness." She grinned at me. "It's tactics."

Then she punched me in the stomach again. I gasped for breath again, and it seemed as though my stomach had gotten a concussion with all of these blunt force traumas.

This time, it caused me to subconsciously release the grip I had on everything, causing me to let go of the roof and allowing Adriana to fall—as well as myself.

For a moment, it felt as if nothing happened. Then I started to fall. 

I desperately tried grabbing onto the roof once again, but it was too late. And even if I had, there was no chance my shoulder would've supported my weight once again.

A hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me cold before I could fall all the way to the ground. Rosaline.

She was lying flat on the roof, so she could stretch out as much as humanly possible to grab onto me. With a show of superhuman strength, she hoisted me up with that one hand.

Rosaline grinned. "I'm getting good at saving you, huh?" 

"Thanks," I said. And that was it. I was too shaken up to say anything else—and Rosaline definitely understood.

I stumbled towards the edge, trying to get a good sight of Adriana. 

"Woah there!" Rosaline caught me a second before I was going to topple off. "Careful."

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