Chapter 69

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Omega sat still, his frame not moving save for the times Fauvel shifted. "Why don't you make this easier on both of us and give up?" he asked, twirling the sword in his right hand. He appeared to be doing it absentmindedly, but I got the feeling that he was purposely doing it to scare me—and it worked.

Behind me, I heard the slow clomping of horses coming my way. I figured the first two soldiers had grouped up with the third and were cornering me in. The sound stopped a few feet away from me; it was clear they were going to let their general handle this—but unlike when Omega had first betrayed me, his backup was ready to help him within seconds. Within seconds, this situation had turned more and more in the favor of Omega.

And given his smile, he knew that too. 

Other than getting outsmarted at every turn, my second least favorite thing was when people tried to intimidate me—the same fear a little kid trying to act tougher had.

And that's what exactly I was. An incompetent young adult trying to do the work primordials should have been doing.

Charlotte shifted underneath me. What are we going to do now, milord?

For a second, I considered giving up. What was the point of going forward? There was no way I could defeat Omega in my tired, hungry, and disheveled state. Omega wasn't going to stop capturing me even if I escaped. 

But no. My hands tightened into fists.

I had to keep on going.

If I gave up now, Chaos would win.

Nobody else would step in to complete my role.

I had no other choice. 

Even if that meant I had to sacrifice myself.

Even if I was doing a task that primordials didn't want to do either.

Good question, I said to Charlotte. We wait for the right opportunity—and take it.

And if we don't find one? she said.

I winced. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

I took a deep breath and faced Omega. I plastered a friendly smile on my face, trying my best to push all my anxiety, fear, and nervousness into the back of my consciousness. "Why don't you make this easier on me and step aside and let us through? Trust me—it'll probably benefit you too."

But I just said this to distract him yet again. Before he could respond, I quickly turned to Fauvel. Would you mind helping us once again? I don't think we can escape otherwise.

Again?! Fauvel asked incredulously. I don't know . . . my master's already pretty mad . . .

That's at me for trying to escape, I told him, even though I had the feeling the anger was directed at both of us. Not you. 

Fauvel perked up. Really?

Really, Charlotte cut in. You've already thrown your lot in with us once . . . so why not do it again?

However, I had run out of time to talk. I could tell that Omega was irritated now, having been waiting for a reply for a few seconds now. 

"Sorry, what was that again?" I asked. "I think I zoned out for a couple of moments . . ."

"You're talking to my horse again, aren't you?" Omega asked, his grip tightening on his swords. "Well, I'll tell you: Fauvel is loyal to me. Not you. And if you try to force a change, I'll kill you."

"Oh?" I said. "You weren't going to kill them before? That's helpful to know." I then told Charlotte, Move forward slowly.

Why? she asked. I'm a bit scared of swords . . .

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