Woman Love

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But the curly coils of her hair
and the smooth soft of her skin
in contrast to the rough gentleness of her hands
And the loving bluntness of her heart
she is a powerful women
deserving of love
in the most outstanding way

She does not deserve the tough and rude nature of a man
She does not deserve to be made smaller
to fit in his ideal of what he wants for her to be

For does she not wipe his tears when he cries
nor clean his wounds with her love?
For does she not think of him daily
not have his best interest in mind and at heart?
For does she not see the hurt cast upon him by those surrounding him and try to shelter him from it?
taking the brunt of it all
For does she not hurt him and notice her faults
and attempt to take away the pain she has inflicted?
For has she not seen his every weakness and flaw as beauty of [him]self and meaningless imperfections and not judged him for them?

All this she does only to be cast aside
looked over
thrown under
To have her love and kindness taken for granted
only to be used up with nothing in turn to replace it
She does this all
endures through this all
without saying a word in protest
She takes no vengeful acts against him
neither let venomously wicked words drip from her tongue
and no expressions to bring to him the feeling of guilt

Because of the curly coils of her hair that she takes pride in
the smooth soft of her skin that gives great satisfaction to him
The rough gentleness of her hands that provide comfort and affection in his every time of need
The loving bluntness of her heart that gives honest words of loving wisdom
You cannot tell her
nor change her self-opinion that
she is a powerful woman
deserving of love
in the most divine way

So take the time to appreciate her
make her feel wanted and loved
Not just today but everyday
Let her know you care
that she is more than what she allows you to use her for
She is a human being
A woman
just and kind
fair in beauty and true in spirit
And show her that her love is the most precious thing in the world that a man can be fortunate enough to receive
show her you love her not by just materialistic nature
but in matching your actions with words
and aligning them with your feelings

show this strongly independent and powerful woman
who is one of the most important bonds you've created—
as well as the women that you've had a bond with from the day you exited the womb—
the women who gave you life and fruit from her breast—
who you see characteristics of in the woman that you want to pour your love upon,
that she is more deserving than most others in your life of receiving love as special as that of which she gives of herself
even at her weakest point when she doesn't have it in her to love herself
that is the type of love she deserves in return

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