Chapter 1

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That morning was the best morning of your entire existence. You had just won a competition, and the prize was two VIP tickets and backstage passes to Mettaton's next concert, and you knew exactly who to give the other ticket to: Your all-time BFF (and fellow Mettaton fan) Papyrus. Moments later, you arrived at the Skelebros' house. Tickets in hand, you knocked on the front door, trying to contain your overwhelming excitement. You waited, practically bursting with excitement, until the door opened to reveal Sans.

"Heya kiddo." he said lazily.

"Hey Sans, is Papyrus here?" you asked, holding the tickets behind your back.

"Yeah, why?"

"I have a surprise for him." you told him, smiling brightly.

"Ok, I'll go tell him you're here."

Sans let you in and closed the door behind you. You sat on the couch and waited. You watched as Sans teleported to the top of the stairs rather than using the stairs, went into Papyrus' room, and closed the door behind him. A few minutes passed, and then you heard Papyrus gasp. Papyrus then ran downstairs, skipping one or two steps at a time.

"HUMAN!" he yelled, running towards you with a huge grin on his face. When he reached you, he picked you up and wrapped you in a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey Papy! Did you hear about Mettaton's concert tonight?" you asked.


"I know right! Are you going?"

His smile fell, and he carefully put you down.

"SADLY, NO..." he sighed.

"Well you are now!" you exclaimed, showing him the tickets. His grin returned, somehow even bigger than before if that was even possible.


"Yep, and that's not all!" you said, taking the two backstage passes out of your back pocket and handing him one. Papyrus gasped, gladly taking the pass from your hand.

"OH MY GOODNESS! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" he screamed, before hugging you tightly. You had never seen Papyrus this happy before. The two of you talked for a few hours, mainly about Mettaton and spaghetti, before finally heading to the concert.

Oh Yes! Remastered (Mettaton X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now