Chapter 18 - The email

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Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I now have to tick 'suicidng' from my bucket list!
"Get up Emily it's past 10am in the morning" I heard Tom shouting from the corner of my room.
I somehow get up. My body felt heavy and I felt dizzy.
I walked towards my bathroom and brushed my teeth.
I went downstairs to have breakfast.
I find Tom sitting on the table eating lucky charms.
I smile after 100yrs!( exaggeration )
I go towards the kitchen counter to grab lucky charms!
I grab a bowl, milk and spoon.
I sit beside Tom and start eating.
We don't say anything.
Tom surfs on the net on his phone while I just stare at his phone.
"Are u ok?" Tom asks
"Hmm ok I guess?!" I say while smiling
"U r smiling so I guess u r fine" says Tom
"Yeah I guess" I say
I grab Tom and my bowl and wash it.
I go upstairs to check MY phone.
I have 160msgs.
They were from my friends from hometown and relatives.
I sit on my bed and get my self comfortable and start replying to each and every msg.
After checking ALL I got an email from
I check it.
I was shocked.
It said:
.Dear Emily,
I know that am known as your 'BULLY'
But honestly I hate the fact am your 'BULLY'.
That letter which I put in your P.O box was very very rude.
I am veryy sorry. David loves you and I just made false rumors.
It's just that your life is just so amazing. You are soo beautiful, ur eyes are just GOALS. I guess I was jealous?! Am really really sorry.
Pls forgive me I'll do anything for you.
I heard about the fact u tried suiciding and I was just shocked. I cried and cried and I had fever the whole night. I'm just really sorry.
Ur Enemy?!
I lay there with utter astonishment.
I was shocked.
I called Tom to read it.
"Are u kidding me?!" He said while hugging me
"I'm going to forgive her" I say
"That's the spirit" he says
I grab my laptop and reply saying:
It's ok I forgive you
The reason why I didn't write a huge mail was because I just didn't feel it.
Sorry for such a short update!
I am having ideas which I bet you didn't expect!
Last chapter was horrible I know but I wrote it when I was 'SAD' eh I resulted in that update.
K bye

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