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❗❗Spoilers for true colors ❗❗

A single lamp glowed dimly in the gloomy room,that belonged to Anne.
Shes been in a bad mood since they left amphibia, Marcy's betrayal was disappointing yet unexpected. It even left Sasha suprised.
Speaking of Marcy, the door creaked open, followed by an awkward "hiii" from a specific black haired girl.

"What do you want, Marcy." Anne spoke in a stern tone

"Oh- uh- well-" Marcy stuttered

"Spit it out already, i cant look at you after you betrayed me and Sasha." Her voice broke halfway thru the sentence

"Anne, please listen to me..." Marcy continued, "I've been meaning to tell you something but I'm afraid you wont take it well but..."

After a long pause a small whisper escaped Marcy's lips

"I- uhm- i like you.."

"Come again?" Anne raises her brow, not catching what she said

"I LOVE YOU!" Marcy yelled
When she saw Anne's face, which was of course, suprised, Marcy quickly regretted their actions.

"Ahgoshsorryforwastingyourtimeimgonnaleaveyoualonenow-" before they could leave, Anne gripped their hand and turned them to face her, slowly lowering her lips onto theirs.
The kiss was short and euphoric, which is expected from a first kiss.

Marcy, a flustered mess, was the first to break the kiss "Anne-"

"You talk too much" Anne chuckled and kissed them on the cheek "I love you too."

Perhaps a one shot series for Calamity Trio ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now