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The core helmet on Marcy fell off and Marcy hit the floor. Sasha ran to her full of nervousness and got a hold of her body. With tears in her eyes she quietly called out ''Marcy?'' but Marcy couldn't hear her and when Sasha got more serious she picked Marcy up and tried to get a grip on her.

Marcy's body was so rigid, her skin was cold as ice as Sasha tried to lift her up again.
once the two girls made it outside Sasha broke down into uncontrollable sobbing, still cradling Marcys

Sasha looked down on her again when she felt movement ''Marcy, please,wake up.''
Marcy’s lips were cold, no breath came out of them. and Marcy didn't respond. Sasha laid Marcy
on what used to be grass carefully,and ran over to Anne to let her know that she retrieved their

after five minutes Anne ran over,her face blank. She kneeled next to Sasha and touched
Marcy’s cheek softly ''she's going to be ok, I know it.'' Sasha just nodded.


when Marcy woke up she was still confused but at least everything else felt okay.. until Marcy
remembered who she had been fighting. she slowly started to sit up but immediately winced in
pain. when she looked around her surroundings she saw Sasha next to her with a relieved

''Marcy, you're awake,oh my god...''

Sasha grabbed Marcys hand tightly,, Marcy looked down at their joined hands and smiled softly,, she squeezed Sashas hand back
''how long have I been asleep..'' Marcy asked
''only about 2 hours ,are you feeling any better?'''
Marcy’s head turned away from sasha,not wanting to face her for once ''i feel like shit.'' she
mumbled quietly, she could see Sasha's brow furrowed ''why is that? you just got freed from a
biomechanical,artifical hive mind.'' Marcy sighed deeply and looked at Sasha again,, Sasha
seemed genuinely concerned for Marcys wellbeing and Marcy wanted to tell her everything but
marcy just couldn't bring herself to.

She knew the truth would hurt sasha but Marcy wasn't sure
if she'd ever really be able to come to terms with all of it. Marcy opened her mouth again,but
stopped herself before she was able to spill her guts ''sorry, i can't..'' Marcy said quietly before
standing up. it was a few seconds until sasha responded ''you don't need to apologize for
anything,just know that i'm here for you.'' Marcy gave Sasha a small smile and walked away from

Marcy went to go find Anne and talk about what happened in the core. she decided to try and take solace in the fact that she didn't completely break down and fall apart in front of the
girl she was madly in love with.


''did you see anything while being locked in the mind of the core?''

Annes question echoed in her mind , she took a deep breath and sat up straighter in her
'where is this coming from?' marcy thought. Marcy knew exactly why Anne asked such
questions, she wanted to help Marcy and help her heal after what she'd been through in there.

Marcy just shook her head and said 'no'. ''it's alright'' Annes voice sounded slightly choked, she
put her arm around Marcys shoulder and brought her into a hug

''we'll work something out,I promise.''

marcy nodded in response and hugged Anne back.
Anne pulled Marcy closer to her
and rested her chin on her head. Sasha peeked through the crack of the door to see the sight of
the girl she loves being closely embraced by her friend,Anne.
Marcy's smile could light up entire
galaxies,it was beautiful. Sasha sighed, Marcy could never know how much her friend is in love with her.

Sasha wanted to keep her feelings hidden for a little longer until Marcy figured it all out herself. she wanted to wait,to give her the right moment to make everything clear. Sasha knew she couldn't be patient,even though she hated to admit it. she needed to tell Marcy how she felt,it
was killing her not telling her.

Sasha decided it was now or never so she pushed open the door to
the room and stepped inside. Marcys and Annes head shot up instantly,Annes arms wrapped
around Marcys torso. Sasha cleared her throat softly before talking

''Marcy,can we please talk.''

Marcy nodded and Anne left the room for their privacy . Sasha and Marcy stood facing each
other and Sasha began.

''Marcy... I-"

Sasha was cut off when Marcy grabbed both sides of Sashas
face and crashed their lips together. Sasha froze in shock,she didn't expect Marcy to do that.

Marcy smiled lightly as they parted and pressed their foreheads together.

''I've been trying to get this off my chest for awhile now.''

Marcy confessed as she traced her
fingers along Sashas jaw line,Sasha was speechless. she couldn't think straight,all Sasha could
concentrate on was Marcy.

''can you stay... please''

Marcy whispered softly,almost like a prayer.
Sasha smiled gently and kissed marcy again.

''anything for you."

A/N: i was running on orange juice and was listening to snapcubes sonic fandub at 1 am while writing this so the fanfic most likely doesnt add up to tge storyline or whatever💀

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