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In the dark of a room, a girl lies curled up in a ball. Her hair is a wild mess and she's crying, although no sound comes out of her throat. She doesn't know why she feels this way but she does anyway. It's like someone has taken her soul away and left behind nothing but a shell that doesn't seem to belong there.

 She hears a soft knock on her door and it takes all her effort not to yell at whoever dared enter her room without permission. What could they possibly want from her anyway? Why are they here? But as she lays there in bed, the knocking continues until her father opens the door and walks over to where she sits. "Sasha?" He asks quietly. She looks up at him through puffy red eyes. He crouches down next to the bed, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "I heard you crying." "So did everyone else," she whispers harshly. His lips curve into a sad smile. "What's wrong?" Sasha closes her eyes tightly. She wants to tell him everything. But something holds her back, something that makes her feel ashamed for even thinking about telling him. She shakes her head. "Nothing. I'm fine." Her father sighs deeply before sitting down beside her. "You can talk to me, honey," he says softly. "You don't have to hide anything from me." Tears threaten to spill from her eyes again. They burn her cheeks and she can't make them go away. He puts his arm around her and pulls her into a warm embrace. She doesn't say a word, just leans into his side. The tears fall faster than she can keep track of. The pain is so great that it becomes almost numb. Her body aches from the inside out and every breath hurts. But her father doesn't move, doesn't ask any questions and simply lets her cry herself dry. They're both silent for several minutes when he finally speaks. "Are you sure you won't tell me what happened?" She shakes her head against his chest. "No." He sighs again. "Okay then."

 Another knock sounds on her door. This time it's only her mother coming to check up on her. "Is everything alright?" She asks softly, kneeling down next to her daughter. She strokes Sasha's hair gently. "It's okay, Mom," she replies softly. Differently from her father, sasha's mother would take her life away if she knew she liked girls. she didn't just like one girl, but two girls, more specifically Anne and Marcy. Even the sight of her mother makes her shake in fear. Her mother frowns slightly at her response. "Are you sure? Do you need anything?" She hesitates, unsure of how to respond, because she definitely needs something. A hug perhaps? A kiss on the forehead? An apology? Instead she just says nothing and closes her eyes, allowing herself to sink into her mothers arms.


 After the interaction with her father and mother, Sasha begins to avoid both Anne and Marcy in school. When she sees them, she'll pretend not to notice their presence and instead walk off. Sasha knows that being in love with her girl best friends is "wrong" and wants these feelings to go away and her "best solution" is to avoid them. And this is easier said than done. Sasha tries her best not to look at them, not to be near them, but sometimes it's too much and she finds herself walking over to them. Their smiles, their voices, their laughter fill her heart with warmth. And that warmth quickly turns to guilt. She shouldn't be feeling happy or having fun like this. It isn't right to do this to them. They deserve better.

 One night, during dinner, Sasha watches as Anne and Marcy share a plate of macaroni and cheese. There is an air of contentment about them; something she hasn't seen in quite some time. Maybe now she'll be able to get rid of this feeling once and for all. As the two girls laugh, it's like watching her old friends. It feels good, right. And then the words from her mother hits her, right in the gut... again. And now, the feeling that was making butterflies flutter in her stomach have turned into a disgusting feeling. Marcy and Anne noticed her state and Anne spoke up first "you good, sasha?" while Marcy remained quiet, Maybe, just maybe this time she can open up and push this weight off her chest. Sasha's voice trembled as she spoke "is it normal to have feelings for... the same gender?" Marcy, completely flabbergasted at the sight of sasha being so close to a breakdown, looks to Anne. "Nope, super straight is the only right way #burnthegays" Anne said, her voice dripping with irony. Sasha chuckles for the first time in a while at Anne using the word 'hashtag' irl. Marcy rolls her eyes at Anne and says "You may have heard it's a sin or whatever but that's not true. Simply loving someone of the same gender isn't harmful." As soon she finishes her sentence, she grabs a spoon full of macaroni but little to her dismay Anne steals a bite. Anne with a mouth full of macaroni tries to tell something Sasha but she couldn't make out what Anne was saying. She had her mouth full and all that came out were strangled noises. Anne finally gulps her foo- *cough* I meant Marcy's food down and corrects herself "I said; you got something to tell us, Waybright?~" Anne's tone switched when she said Sasha's last name.

 Sasha turns red at the flirty tone but calms herself quickly before looking at Anne. She stares back into Anne's brown eyes and says "yeah. I think I do." Anne raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, spit it out." Sasha took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking "I like girls..." Anne's expression changed from surprised to amused. She laughed loudly causing Marcy to flinch and stare wide eyed at the two girls. "Oh, come on Waybright, you really thought we were homophobic!" Anne scolded playfully, smacking Sasha lightly on the arm. "What were you expecting? That we'd be grossed out by you?!" She asked sarcastically. Sasha blushed harder and looked away, staring down at her lap. She felt bad that she even bothered to tell them. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea afterall. A gentle hand touched her chin and forced her to look up. Anne grinned at her as she said "I am totally down for you, sash." She grabbed a piece of cheese pizza from the center of the table and popped it in her mouth. Sasha watched in amazement as she chewed and swallowed the large piece of pasta in record time. "Really?" Sasha asked shyly.

 "Of course! We're your girlfriends, silly." Anne replied with a wink before going back to eating her own pizza. Marcy shook her head at Anne and rolled her eyes. Suddenly, Sasha was hit with another wave of relief that washed over her, washing away the sadness. She smiled and started laughing. Anne looked between the two girls confused. "Sorry I just thought you guys hated me for liking girls." The two girls exchanged glances and laughed. "You wish." Marcy teased. "We still love you just as much as we ever did. Besides, it's hard to hate someone who shares your taste buds." "Hey! What about me?" Sasha exclaimed dramatically. She was about to continue arguing before a gentle voice interrupted her. "I love you too, Sasha!" Sasha froze. Her eyes widened at Marcy 's comment. Anne just smiled at her before reaching across the table and squeezing both of their hands. "We're gonna have so much fun together, aren't we?" She smirks, winking at her girlfriends. Sasha just kept staring at Marcy dumbfounded. She didn't expect those words to come from Marcy's mouth. Marcy's face went bright red and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. "well- I mean- I- if you're okay with the three of us dating lol" Marcy says but quickly slaps her own forehead at the realization of her saying lol in a sentence "I'm sorry that was stupid-" "Oh shut up Marcy!" Anne said while giggling as she tried to calm Marcy. She wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's waist and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Come on, you know we love your awkwardness, don't you?" Marcy nodded and leaned into Anne but stopped to gesture Sasha to join them. Sasha immediately stood up and joined the two girls on the couch. Marcy rested her head on top of Sasha's shoulder and smiled, while Anne rested her body on their laps. The three girls talked about their day, laughing at each other's jokes and enjoying the closeness they shared.

A/N this was lazily made so dont mind ok LMGOA

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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