Chapter 6

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It occured so naturally Brienne hardly took notice

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It occured so naturally Brienne hardly took notice. She might have scoffed if it had not been brought to her attention by such a close friend. Even she had not realized how easily the habit had come upon her, or how much enjoyment there was to be found in the simple comradery. What began as one timid but revealing conversation between herself and Ser Eyan soon became an unspoken ritual of sitting beside the hearth in The Round Room, ending their evenings in jovial companionship. Brienne had not realized how much she looked forward to the familiar knocking upon her open door frame each night until Ser Podrick happened to mention it off-handedly as merely a contented observation one morning as they left the Small Council Chambers.

The King was preoccupied with matters for Lord Tyrion and had given Podrick leave to see to his own affairs for a while. As they rose to leave the young Sword glimpsed The Lord Commander in mid-smile, her good wishes directed toward Ser Eyan Ripleigh, The Master of War, who was returning her sentiment with a happy nod. Falling in step behind Brienne, Podrick hurried to keep pace with her purposeful stride. He could not help but feel pleased at the change in her of late.

"It is nice to see that you and Ser Eyan are getting along better." He complimented.

Brienne expression froze. She stopped dead in her tracks. "What?" She stammered. "What do you mean?" She demanded, stunned. As if he were her shadow, Jaime stilled beside her. He had long since realized, as he watched on those carefree evenings she spent with Eyan Ripleigh, that slowly her joy seemed to be returning, perhaps even her faith.

Podrick tried his best to hide the caring grin that tugged at his lips. "I mean that you seem to be friends now." He elaborated, choosing his words carefully.

In truth, part of him did hope that The Lord Commander might someday be able to put her relationship with Ser Jaime behind her and find some peace perhaps with someone worthy of her. For all he had seen, Ser Eyan's honor was second only to Brienne's own. Of course he knew he could not tell her that. He valued his neck too much.

"When he arrived, I thought you might never have a cordial word for him." Pod reminded Brienne of her behavior towards Eyan when first they met.

Brienne could not help but feel a twinge of shame run through her heart for having acted so abominably. But, she was not about to tell Podrick of her regret. "Ser Eyan is a skilled knight, and an exemplary Lord Master. Brienne replied. "A fine addition to the Small Council. The King chose his advisors well." She said, little too defensively Pod thought. Jaime studied Brienne's face as she formulated her hastey answer. He had seen the unspoken turmoil behind her eyes before, when a sword and quest were the only declarations they could make to each other. Perhaps as it was for him then, Brienne did not yet realize her feelings for Ser Eyan were taking root.

Pod was finding it more difficult to conceal his wide smile with each passing moment. "Of course he is Lord Commander." He nodded innocently.

Brienne rolled her eyes, losing patience with her young friend's gentle teasing. "If you will excuse me. I need to see to my Guard." She mustered seriously. Jaime would have found her reaction delightfully amusing if he were not sure Brienne's affections were turning in Eyan Ripleigh's direction.

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