Chapter 8

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Brienne and Eyan emerged from the White Sword Tower into the morning sunlight hand in hand, as they had done nearly every morning for the past six moons. As always they ignored the sideways glances and outright smirks from the soldiers and servants in the courtyard, far too engrossed in each other to notice much of anything else. It had been quite awhile since Brienne had troubled herself over anyone else's opinion of her private matters. She supposed that lack of concern had begun when she and Jaime shared the same bed at Winterfell. They had both been so deliriously happy for a time that it never occured to them to present any other facade to those who might be watching. As it was now, Brienne was almost certain her bliss and contentment with Eyan would not last. Something would surely take him from her, as it had done Jaime. However, she planned to garner all the enjoyment she could from their relationship before that day came. The memories would be a comfort someday when she had neither Jaime nor Eyan to warm her bed. In her quietest moments, Brienne still found her thoughts drifting to Jaime. He was a distraction she refused to relinquish. In keeping part of her heart for him, she did not have to face the truth that was beginning to gnaw at her with every passing day. She had fallen in love with Eyan Ripleigh.

"If I should happen by The Round Room at, say, midday...?" Eyan trailed off teasingly, his eyes rolling toward the Heavens as if the suggestion had not been posed on each day of their affair.

Brienne giggled bashfully, the way she knew he liked, and pretended to be unable to draw her eyes from the ground. "I may be able to spare you a moment or two, Ser Eyan." She stated dutifully, at last bringing her gaze to regard him, trying to feign a serious demeanor. He nodded his acceptance of her agreement, both understanding that it would only take those few moments of which Brienne spoke for him to have her completely disrobed and leaned across the Weirwood table. She licked her lips and bit the lower one for good measure, enticing him nearly to the point of distraction.

Unseen, Jaime trudged behind them at a distance which would not cause him to hear their loving whispers. Over the passing weeks, he had almost become used to being Brienne's shadow. Although he knew the necessity of Eyan's affections toward her, Jaime could not help but feel the cruel stab of jealousy to his heart, each time the man reached for Brienne.

Eyan took her hand and raised it to his lips as he bowed. "Until then, My Lady." He replied in a low lusty growl, imagining all the things he wanted to do to her.

"Until then, Ser Eyan." Brienne nodded, giving him a seductive leer, her mind filling with every detail of how she planned to make him fill her time.

Slowly, reluctantly, Eyan pulled from Brienne, his responsibilities awaiting him. She was unable to forstall her own any longer. Brienne watched him depart, unwilling to turn away, knowing he would look back for one last glimpse. Brienne smiled dreamily at him as he left the yard. Sighing contendly to herself, she had not noticed Lord Tyrion watching their exchange at a respectable distance. She also did not see him approach.

"You and Ser Eyan seem to be getting on these days." He cleared his throat, immediately regretting his unfortunate choice of words. Beside him, Jaime cringed at Tyrion's uncharacteristic awkwardness, eager to watch Brienne's reaction.

Brienne spun on her heels, ready to defend her romance. "I beg your pardon?" She replied, taken aback. To her credit she managed to hold in check the incredulous responses which rose in her throat.

Tyrion shook his head, and began again. "Forgive me." He begged. "I meant no offense." He corrected himself. His intent had not been to cast a judging tone on the Lord Commander's intimate liaison. Jaime noticed how Brienne visibly relaxed, but only a bit.

With a choking breath, Tyrion spoke once more. "I apologize if I am speaking out of turn, Lord Commander." He straightened his spine formally, before his shoulders fell with a familiarity shared by two who had both lost someone dear to them. "It is good to see your happiness." He smiled. Brienne lowered her gaze, feeling suddenly disloyal. Jaime quietly realized the truth in his brother's words.

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