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Harry had tears in his eyes as he rambled on about some boy he's supposed to be tutoring after school.

I was shocked when he pulled me into the cafeteria bathroom and practically burst into a ball of anxiety..

"Haz, Haz, babe- calm down, look at me" I honestly didn't even realize I called him babe 

"Lou, I.. I can't believe I told him yes! I've never spoken to anyone at this school, really, but you! And I didn't want to talk to you! Now, obviously, I do, but-"

I grabbed his hands when he went to reach for his curls. 

He finally looked into my eyes and it seemed like time froze

He stopped rambling. He stopped panting. The tears stopped rolling down his cheeks. 

We just.. stopped moving.

"I'm calm" he whispered after a long moment of silence

"Good.. Don't ever go to pull on my beautiful curls again, okay?" I whispered back

He nodded slowly then just crumbled into my chest. I held him and we swayed.. And I couldn't help but run my fingers through his curly hair.

"Your curls" he said softly

I smiled a little and nodded

"yea" was all I could say

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