Billy/Max- I Love You Both, Forever and always

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Growing up was always hard. Being in a family full of hate and abuse It wasn't fun, it never was. When your dad beats you like it's his hobby nothing is fun. Having to combat abuse and making sure you help raise your little brother the best you can made things a lot harder.

Things were manageable at first but when mom ended up leaving things got way worse. Raising my brother got harder, he turned me away and all the things I didn't want to happening to him...happened. I feel like a failure... if I could've done or did some different maybe this wouldn't have happened. But Deep down I know it wasn't my fault and I couldn't have done anything ti prevent this.

I've tried, I've been trying for years to tell people about Neil but they never listen. Let me tell you , he'd be an Oscar winning actor that's for sure, it seems like everyone always believes him.

Not that long ago Neil remarried a woman. Susan, she still stay's with Neil even after all she's seen him do to Billy and Me, she has a daughter of her own, I don't understand why she would keep her around Neil of all people. I dislike her for that, I don't like her for the fact that she stays with him willingly, watches him hurt us willingly and keeps her daughter around him willingly... it's gross.

We moved from California to Hawkins A little while ago. Max and Billy have been going to school here for a bit now, it's not going the smoothest but it's alright. Billy always gets In fights at school, it's hard watching my once kind and loving baby brother turn into a body of hate because of Neil. Max frequents the arcade along with sneaking out at night which gets me and Billy in trouble. It's not as good as Sunny California but it'll do.

I've been working at the star court mall for a bit, it's been alright. I took on 3 jobs since I'm trying to save up for a house for us so we can escape Neils abuse and live comfortably and happily, plus it's easy to get to all of them since it's in one mall.

"Billy...Billy sweetheart you gotta get up, you have school soon" I say softly rubbing my hand on his back,
I always woke Billy Like this when he was a kid and I've been doing it ever since, I'm not let him completely put up a brick wall between our relationship. I pat his back making him groan obviously still tired, "Get ready, afterwards come down and ear I made pancakes". Stopping at Max's door I give it a knock, I hear a "yeah", "breakfasts downstairs if you're hungry" I head to the kitchen.
Before waking Billy up I have to put a lunch In his car, he doesn't like getting held up and will decline the lunch's I make for him so I have to compromise so I know he's eating.

I hear footsteps heading to the kitchen, turning to look I see... surprisingly Max and Billy at the same time. "Max are you going to the arcade today, I'll drive you if you'd like" I say leaning against the counter looking at her, Max nod's continuing to eat. I give max a hug as she goes out the door saying goodbye and have a good day at school, before Billy can slip past me I pull him in a hug, "no more fights at school Billy... okay, have a good day I love you" I kiss his cheek and let him go. Shutting the door I go to get dressed to go to work.

I forgot I was taking Max to the arcade and went to get groceries making me a but late. Pushing the door open with my heel I walk into the house and head to the kitchen to put stuff away. I bring a bag I had stuff that I got for Billy and max making my way to their rooms. I knocked on Max's room and heard a "what" she probably think's it's Billy, I open the door closing it behind me, "Sorry I'm late Max" I dig in the bag and pull out some skateboard wheels shes been wanting, "I got you those wheel's you've been wanting", "Thank you!" She say's smiling and giving me a hug quickly before grabbing her skateboard probably planing to switch the wheels. Shutting her door I head to Billy's, he's playing music. I've knocked at least four times by now, sighing I open the door seeing him in front of his mirror checking himself out....for a date?. Smiling I walk over to him making him turn around, "you got a date,huh there Billy" I take the cologne I got him out of the bag, putting my hand over his face so it doesn't get in his face I spray the corner of his neck, armpits... for obvious reasons and spinning him around I put some on his back. Snapping the lid on the Cologne I put it on his side table in front of his mirror, turning back to him I look him over, "well well, you clean up nice Billy" he gives me a "whatever" look and sighs, "get out Im getting ready" sighing I leave but hear a little, "thank you sis" making you smile shaking your head.

Stopping in front of the Byers house I get out walking up to the door giving it a knock. "Yes?" Looking up I see a guy with good looking hair, "is Max here by any chance" He shakes his head But I can hear Her whispering with the other kids, "I can hear her though" The guy sighs before moving to the side and letting me in. "Max you have to get back,Neils gonna be home soon and he'll get mad" Max shakes her head "I can't leave, not now" I tilt my head, "what? Why?" She sighs and the other boys look at me tense, "just because, I can't really tell you why", "and why not, you need to tell me why because If you stay and I go back I'm going to get in a lot of trouble along with Billy and you know what happens when Neil gets mad" I say crossing my arms, she sighs looking at all the boys before opening her mouth.
My mouth drops to the for, "what... the hell", "literally!" Dustin says making mike give him a look, "so what you're telling me is that... you're trying to save the world from these so called monsters-", Dustin puts up a finger, "demogprgan-", I glare at him making him shut up, "mon... Demogorgans from the... upside down and there's a girl named eleven with... with powers" they all nod making me grab my face, "so what are you guys doing here right now" Dustin goes to speak but gets cut off by a loud engine roaring.

"Billy stop!" I shout as Billy throws another punch at Steve. It's like everything's in slow motion, Billy's punching Steve, the kid's are screaming and... and Max just stuck some needle in Billy's neck making him turn around and cuss at her before falling down. "Say it!" Max swings a bat between his legs, "I understand..." getting up I go over to Steve, " he's out cold-" I love over at Billy, "- and so is Billy", "we gotta go c'mon get Steve" the kids start to drag Steve to Billy's car and I run after them after checking if Billy is breathing and leaving him my keys.
"MAX LET ME DRIVE" I scream, Max is driving the car somehow before I could even complain. I hear Steve ask what's going on, he starts to freak out after learning that Max is driving.

"We're on the bench-" I shut my eyes blocking everything out...

Opening my eyes I'm back in the star court mall with a giant monster or "mind flayer" screeching, I must've been reminiscing to long.
Looking over I see El on the ground crying looking at the thing, It looks like it's going for her. Stepping closer everything is in slow mo like that other time, I walk closer to Billy, I know what he's gonna do, I'm his sister I know him best out of everyone here even his own mother, I know and I've known that Billy has a good heart he's just too damaged that he'd never shown it, and that's why as his older sister who's job is looking after and out for him I will give him the chance to show that he has a good heart. Pushing Billy out of the way The Creature's arm's mother's I don't know start jamming into my sides. The pain is almost unbearable but it's the best I can do for him. The creature pierces me in the chest forcing blood up and out of my mouth. I can hear their screams in the background It makes me want to cry. The creature drops me to the floor... ouch way to add to injury. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Billy by my side and Max soon after, "why would you do that!" Billy cried pulling me onto his lap, my gaze shifts to Max, she's also crying . "I was doing my job as the older sister" Billy shakes his head, "It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay alright... j-just stay wake okay sis" I shake my head smiling, moving my hand so that it grabs both Max and Billy's hand, "I love you both" they both say it back.
"I love you both.." my eyes start to close feeling heavy they start crying for me to stay awake but I'm too tired, "forever and always" I mutter slipping away.

Author ✍️

Sorry it's not the best, I'm still learning and practicing. Anyways hoped you liked it at least a tiny bit, have a good day or nigh.

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