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In this dimension, the sky was grey and the sun was nowhere in sight, which was atmospheric enough for Stephen. He'd sling-portal-ed them from this dimension's Kamar-Taj (which was eerily silent) to about half a mile on the outskirts of Westview, but even from there, they could see the damage Wanda had already caused.

Stephen gulped. All he could say was... well, Wanda had some interesting ways to kill wizards. None of which he'd like to experience for himself if he could help it.

He knew for a fact his nervousness was showing on his face, but neither Scott nor Loki made any attempt to make him feel better. Smart. It wouldn't have worked anyway.

In complete silence, Stephen, Loki and Scott followed the trail of destruction that had clearly come from a battle between Wanda and the wizards who must have tried to stop her. And Wanda had won. They could only hope they'd find her at the end of this trail somewhere.

Stephen tried his hardest not to look at the bodies for fear of familiarity, but sometimes it was too difficult. He had to remind himself many times that these were not the people he knew, not the wizards from his Kamar-Taj. But it didn't help much.

Loki and Scott were both just about as tense as he was, but glancing a look at them, their faces were much more impassive. Fair enough – they didn't know who most of these people were.

Soon, the trail thinned and simply became a blood trail along the concrete. So far, Stephen hadn't had any sight of himself anywhere, but that could've been a good or a bad thing. But the trail was getting thinner, and Westview was coming into sight, and still no sign of Wanda. Did that mean... she was already in there?

Then Loki stopped, and Scott and Stephen stopped as well, looking back at him. Stephen followed his line of sight, not spotting anything for a moment, but then he saw her. Wanda.

Curled up on the side of the road, knees bought up to her chest, her head buried in her knees. Crying.

Stephen's breathing faltered temporarily, not only because this was not what he'd been expected at all, but also because he hated seeing anyone like that. Especially not a friend. But... how was this possible? The Darkhold had completely corrupted her, but Wanda seemed to be fighting against it, because she wouldn't be able to show any emotion like this if it was completely in control.

His heart suddenly didn't feel as heavy in his chest. Did this mean there was still some hope left?

Could Wanda fight against this after all?

But unfortunately, this hope was extinguished when it hit him they didn't have a plan or any idea on how to approach her. What if the darkness just took over her again and they ended up like the wizards in this dimension?

He didn't even have a chance to talk to Loki or Scott before Wanda sensed their presence, tensing up, and lifting her head slightly. "Go," was the word she choked out, without even looking at them. The tone was angry, but not at them – at herself. Afterwards, she shook her head violently and returned it into her knees, continuing her shuddering.

Stephen and Loki shared a glance, but Scott actually started to walk over to her. "Scott, what are you doing?" Stephen hissed at him, shocked. Scott didn't answer, and just continued to walk over to Wanda. Stephen went to follow, but Loki held him back.

Stephen silently demanded a why. "Just wait," Loki whispered back, and he reluctantly stopped fighting against him to watch what was happening.

Scott got to about a metre away from Wanda, then sat down on the road next to her, facing the same direction. She didn't look up, but Scott didn't seem to mind. Instead, he was just acting incredibly calm to say what he was doing.

The Multiversal Road-Trip: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now