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The credits of The Prisoner of Azkaban started rolling in, and due was the conversation they'd been having in between every film during their long-overdue Harry Potter movie marathon. This time, though, Stephen, from his spot in the corner of the sofa, wasn't the one who was going to start it.

"OK, now I get what Mordo was talking about with that petroleum charm thing," Loki nodded, from his end of the corner sofa, where he was stretched out with his feet near Stephen. He had the best view of the TV mostly because no one wanted to argue with him for a better place. (Stephen didn't mind, he liked the corner.) "However, the magic is still total nonsense."

"I know, right?" Wanda chipped in, curled up on the other end of the corner sofa. "Where did the idea of using wands for magic even come from?"

"Just remind me to not get started on the laws of how magic works in this franchise," Stephen said, shaking his head, feeling an unintentional rant coming on. "Like, seriously-"

Loki kicked him to shut him up – apparently he couldn't be bothered to move so he could punch him – and reminded him, "Don't get started."

"Personally, I find the broomsticks the craziest part," Scott said, the host who'd been kicked off his own corner sofa for the small two-seater and yet didn't seem to care that much. "Of all things, why a broom?"

"I know, right? What's wrong with a cloak?" Stephen challenged, and the cloak lifted it's collar from its position on the floor at its mention.

"What position would you guys want to be on a Quidditch team, do you think?" Wanda mused.

"I'd kill it as a Seeker," Scott grinned, proudly.

"I wouldn't want to play," Stephen admitted, laughing for some reason. "I'd be mascot or commentator or something."

"Same," Wanda laughed.

"And I'd be perfect in every role, of course," Loki said, not-so humbly. "Commentator too. And Scott Lang goes after the snitch, zooming alongside Harry Potter... oh wait, he seems to be looking around in confusion. Ah, that's it. Once again, he's mistaken the snitch for a butterfly."

Stephen and Wanda spluttered out laughing, and even Scott was amused. "OK, sure, whatever. But I think I know my insects." He gasped, melodramatically. "Oh my God, we haven't even talked about houses yet! We need to sort ourselves!"

"He's Slytherin," Stephen said, immediately, referencing Loki, but he just frowned.

"That housing system is messed up, I've gotta be honest," he said, shaking his head. "You can't sort kids, they literally change every year. And not everyone actually fits a house. Most people don't. And it's so stereotypical too, like what the hell? There's inter-house rivalry and then there's inter-house civil war."

Stephen nodded absently. OK, that was true, but... "You're still Slytherin."

Loki rolled his eyes. "I'd rather be Ravenclaw."

"Well, you're a frigging genius anyway, so I guess that makes sense," Wanda shrugged. "Though I'm kinda torn between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Sometimes I seem more Slytherin, then sometimes Gryffindor."

"Same here," Stephen said. "Last time I did the test, I was 50% of both."

"So, I'm the only one who knows for a fact they are 100% one house," Scott said, grinning. "Which is Hufflepuff, obviously."

Well, there was no debating that.

For a moment, there was only the sound of munching as they munched on the chocolate they all obviously had. (You didn't have a movie marathon without chocolate, sorry.) They were certainly making the most of this 72 hours of freedom – unfortunately, tomorrow afternoon they all had to attend a meeting which would probably go on for days (they said no longer than three hours, but with everything they had to cover, there was no way it would only last that long).

The Multiversal Road-Trip: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now