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"Strange? Nice new hairdo. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wong asked, looking up from his book when they finally found him in the library.

Looking past Stephen, who remembered finally to flatten his hair down, Wong's eyes narrowed, catching sight of Loki and Scott, who were following him. "Oh no, whenever you're here, there's trouble."

Loki smiled innocently. "Hey Beyoncé. You know I'm a total angel really."

"Not the time for this you two," Stephen scolded them, as Wong opened his mouth to retaliate. These two really did not like each other. "We've got important crap going on, remember."

Loki saluted, "Yes boss. Important mode switched to 100%."

"Just shut up," Stephen half-sighed, half-laughed. Then he turned his attention to his wizard friend. "So, all-powerful, superior Sorcerer Supreme, my greatest friend and my amazing boss-"

"What is it, Strange?" Wong asked, shutting his book. Yeah, so maybe he was overdoing it. A side-glance at Scott and Loki showed they were both wearing the same trying-not-to-laugh expression at the fact Wong was seeing right through him. He was feeling kinda ganged up on right now.

"We need to visit Mordo in jail," Stephen said, bluntly, deciding he might as well get straight to it.

Wong double-taked, then shrugged it off. "I don't suppose I really want to know why. Sure, you can if you really want. Good luck getting anything out of him though."

And then he returned to his book.

Stephen blinked. He exchanged a perplexed look with the other two, then looked back at Wong, silently trying to communicate with him.

Wong looked up again. "Why are you still here?"

"Are you really just letting us go talk to a top security prisoner by ourselves without any explanation as to why?" Stephen asked, dumbfounded.

"You're grown up enough now to look after yourself, you know," Wong said. "You don't need me to be your babysitter. And I told you – I don't even want to know when it comes to the crazy stuff you get up to. It's easier to let you get on with it. Like it's easier to let me get on with reading this book rather than risking me losing my temper." And then he looked down at the book again.

Stephen blinked again, then looked at Loki and Scott again, who both looked as confused as he did. All three of them shrugged at the same time, and even the cloak joined in with a shrug afterwards.

He was not expecting that to be so easy.

"Well, after you I guess," Scott said, politely gesturing for them to go on.

"Cheers, Beyoncé," Loki said, thumbs up, as he left the room. The door closed behind him. "I think he likes me, you know."

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