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It was time for dinner, the most tense and uncomfortable time they had to experience on the few nights that they sat together in the dining room together. Eva didn't want to look him in the eye, so when she wasn't at the charity work, she isolated herself in her rooms, every day there were challenges, difficult challenges, and without being able to vent her sorrows with a person who would advise her and tell her that everything would be fine. , which was an attempt imposed by the Devil to break his faith, inner strength and relationship with the heavenly father.


The song of the crickets and the sound of cutlery touching the plates were heard throughout the mansion until Cristian decided to put an end to the unstable tension.

---How are the works going? Have they raised enough?-- he asks taking a sip of red wine while daringly looking at Eva who, realizing that he was looking at her without disguising, releases two repeated sighs, from afar you feel the enormous dissatisfaction regarding Cristian's actions .

---Everything is going very well-- says Nircia with a slight smile--- The sum we have raised is great, I am very happy to be able to help those most in need, seeing the reflection of joy and tranquility in their eyes is the best gift that they have been able to give me in a long time.

---I'm glad everything is turning out as expected.

---Thank you, for being the best brother in the world and also thank you for collaborating with this noble cause.

Nircia's last words put Eva in check, her eyes widened when she heard from her lips that Cristian had contributed to the cause, a part of her screamed for her to get away as quickly as possible, the only problem is that she had nowhere to stay , I didn't know anyone and I didn't have money to rent a room or spend the nights in a hotel since everything in this place is quite expensive, the cheapest cost money, being that what unfortunately kept the novice with a pure heart and good feelings in that mansion.
I want you to tell me right now who is the woman you want to marry? He muses with a cold and consistent look, making Eva sneeze several times, remaining speechless at Nircia's uncomfortable question.

Thoughts, thoughts, and more ideas raced through his mind.

How could you like a woman who was forbidden?

It was the question that was repeated dozens of times in his head, perhaps he was losing his mind, Cristian's scenes seemed to be taken from a terrible novel where everything was "normal". If she was cornered, she felt her heart racing and the nerves were taking over her legs which were weak, the bridge of her nose was moistened by some drops of sweat that landed on her forehead making her play with her fingers like a girl of five years when you want to order something.

---Drink some water sister Eva!-- Cristian murmured pointing to the glass with the precious liquid contained, after moistening his lips with the tip of his tongue, making Eva even more nervous. He was causing this situation and even worse he was enjoying seeing how clumsy he got and it was all his fault, because of the nerves that he could not control and the audacity and inopportune signature of making the world overflow, how could he do such a thing and be calm? He was seducing a nun and drinking wine like he wasn't fishing.

----That woman that I have told you so much about is lost in the middle of a forest waiting for her prince to rescue her.

----That means that....

---- It means that very soon you will have a sister-in-law and even nephews.

---When we talked, you said you felt satisfied being alone... and that change???

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