chapter 1

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*Mature language and sexual innuendo is included in this text*

"Good morning Miss. Jackson, how are you?" The art teacher greeted, she was a kind hearted person and very accepting of my form of art. Ms. Green was an older lady, it was nice having someone who conversed with me since home is particularly quiet.

"I'm good, thank you Ms. Green." I quirked a smile and made my way to the table with my easel off to the side which held my most recent work. The class was quiet, senior art class consisted of myself, Ms. Green, and two other students. It was nice to have the silence, however the two other students took art just for the easy credits so they do the bare minimum and are quite annoying.

"Wow, Jackson. I didn't know you had it in you to look presentable." Juliette Dobson snarked in my direction. She was your typical blonde hair, blue eyed skinny cheerleader. And unfortunately in my art class and one of the more rude people at Hawkins High. Her friend giggled obnoxiously, in my opinion cheerleading outfits aren't much of a fashion choice, just a form of the patriarchy sexualizing women.

I was wearing a black pleated skirt with a grey sweatshirt, and white ankle cut converse. I usually wear baggy jeans and a sweatshirt but it was too hot outside and I couldn't find my shorts. I rolled my eyes at Juliette, "I didn't know you had it in you to be a bitch yet here we are after all these years." I remarked, I made my way to the paint bottles to make my pallette for the morning, I finished my core subjects last year, and doing my option courses this year. I spend all day doing art and painting my thoughts.

Juliette looked too stunned to speak, her friend Reneé was also taken aback but was humoured by my comeback. They kept to themselves until they left the room, Ms. Green is the type of teacher to let things play out rather than stepping in and defending students. I smirked and snickered to myself. I went to my painting, put my headphones on, and pressed play on my Walkman and let the music take control before something else did.

Lunch time rolls by, I began hearing odd bells chiming. Which I thought was odd considering I didn't have any songs with bells on my CD. I placed my brushes into my cup of water before I left the room for lunch. No one was in the classroom anymore which was odd, I didn't see anyone leave the room. And the sky got significantly cloudier than what it was the last time I looked out the window. I left the room and the bell got louder as I walked through the hallways, it was cold, goosebumps tickled my skin. I rubbed my hands together in comfort as I was heavily confused by my surroundings.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I called out, although I avoided talking at school, I was desperate to see another soul, to at least see someone. The hallways were full of floating ashes, looking around was like a Polaroid picture with low saturation. And then the bell chimed once more, I had the sense to turn my head so I looked to the right and there it was. A grandfather clock, embedded in the wall, covered in what looked like black roots that was pulling it into what ever void it was coming from. I backed away from the clock in confusion and unease. I was terrified, I wanted to snap out of this sick and twisted fantasy. I whimpered in fear, the acceptance that I was alone in this place struck me. I tried to run but it felt like I was running in water.

"Mavis," a deep and husky voice echoed through the empty corridors, I whipped my head left and right while rotating my body to get a glimpse of where it came from. It felt like I was being attacked by some sort of mind reader. I backed up out of fear, my heart racing trying to catch onto whatever sanity I had left. BOOM.

"Hey hey hey, where are you trying to go?" A boy chuckled, "Last time I checked the living can't pass through other people." He joked, when I turned around his hands were up and to the sides as if someone told him he was under arrest. He had a goofy smile across his face like he accomplished the title of the world's funniest comedian.

I gave him a strange look before I looked around and people were staring at me, whispering about my strange episode. I saw Juliette in the corner of my eye trying not to burst out in laugher. "The freak outfreaked the freak Munson!" She said loud enough for the people around me and who she called Munson to hear, this is really embarrassing.

"Oh sweet Juliette, would it not be a pleasure to bump into a freak like me?" The one called Munson spoke, his hands swaying to the sides and out in a bowing motion, the way he moved was enchanting. He had the confidence like no other, this encounter made me belittle one of my episodes, all I could think about was this Munson character.

Juliette gagged and went running to pretend to throw up in the bathroom, her friends trailing behind her. Like ducklings to a mother duck, worker bees to a Queen Bee. I turned my head to the boy, his long, fuzzy, wavy hair resting on the sides of his face. Dark grey jeans, with a black bandana hanging out of the left ass pocket, a shirt that red hellfire club with a demon head, complimented with a jean jacket with what looked like leather sleeves, an interesting choice of fashion. The wrists of the sleeves had chains that jingled against each other, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sounds of the metal.

"Well, it was quite the encounter with you m'lady, but I must be going. The Hellfire club awaits me." He half bowed, his body loose, he spun on his feet and made his way to the cafeteria, leaving me standing there by myself. Goosebumps finally receding. I stared while he walked away.

I'm usually not one for answers, but this boy had me wondering. "Who is Munson?"

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