chapter 2

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Mature content, swearing, and sexual innuendo**

Authors note: In this fanfic. Eddie was not with Chrissy the night she died :) however,, Jason will still accuse Eddie. Just later on.

Who is Munson? I thought while in line to get some vegetables and fruits, I was so intruged by this boy, I haven't been this interested in anything since my mother got me something from one of her international cases. Since my mother was a Lawyer she would have hold of some evidence, and evidence that was forgotten about she would bring home. As a trophy for her success. She was a world renowned Lawyer, sought by celebrities, anyone at the top of the list. She was so good because of her apathetic personality and psychopathic behaviour, in her eyes, court cases were only games she wanted to win, playing the system, manipulating people, and not to mention her God damned persuasive speeches, had every single jury fooled and in favor of her clients. Despite all this, she was a good mom, and taught me the basics of life and how to be independent while her and my dad are away.

In the distance I heard thumping on tables, I looked over in concern and there he was. Standing on the table, preaching about something, which sure as hell wasn't Catholicism or Christianity. I heard the boys sitting at the table say "Eddie," so that must be his name. Eddie. Eddie Munson.
          I watched from afar, he stuck his fingers on the sides of his heads and made a scary face while hissing. I dropped my jaw, not in admiration, but in shock for how openly strange this person was. I turned my head back, ordered my food, then walked to the basement of the school, I usually sit on some scaffolding thats down there all afternoon, I paint the floor of it to waste time since my afternoon was full of nothingness. I turned the scaffolding itself into a peace of art, although some may not consider it art.

I climb to the middle of scaffolding, which was only like 4.5 feet off the ground, then I lay down, and listen to my Walkman. Thinking about my episode from earlier, what was up with that clock? Why was it just me? How did I end up in the same place in the real world? All of it was so strange to me. But hey, what can I say? I am 18 and my family has a history of schizophrenia. Maybe being alone so much kickstarted it and left me delusional. I chuckled to myself while I closed my eyes.

*hours later*

I wake up to the scaffolding swaying, which made my heart race as I sat up, putting my headphones around my neck. "What the fuck?" I exclaimed quietly, looking down below, it looked like someone had just shaken it for dramatics as there was a group of boys, and a young girl surrounding a table. I couldn't quite catch hear what they were saying as I was still groggy from my nap. I learned over the edge slightly, laying on my stomach, I saw a few others wearing a shirt that read 'Hellfire club.' Which was the same as the shirt Eddie Munson was wearing, so it's a real club and not just some sort of band tee? I thought to myself, I watched them do what they were doing, Eddie was sitting at the head of the table, sitting behind a divider of some sort. Was this that fantasy game called Dungeons and Dragons? I watched until I fell asleep again, with my hand hanging over the edge.

*slap* Someone slapped my hand, I opened my eyes to see the group of boys staring at me like the 7 dwarves and Snow White, except for the young girl, who was glaring at me with everlasting sass.

"Wake up!" Eddie slapped my hand once more, he sounded humoured by waking me up from my wonderful nap. "Come on missy! Are you dead?"

"No I'm not, you fucking nerd. Let me sleep on my scaffolding." I rolled away from the edge, trying to enjoy my awesome nap on my painted wood. If they would just leave me alone here I'd be happy.

I could tell by the silence that they were judging hard-core, except Eddie, who was laughing at my scenario. "YOUR scaffolding? Not the schools? You're a strange girl." I felt the scaffolding move which meant he must've touched it. Which influenced me to sit up and look at them, instead of being the strange girl who was sleeping on not very sturdy scaffolding.

I Was Made For Loving You || Eddie MunsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ