chapter 3

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A few days had went by since Eddie dropped me off at home, it confused me on how someone could possibly think of him as a freak. He was just as normal if not more normal than anyone else.
I had eaten something strange which caused me to have the stomach flu, so I stayed home a few days from school, relaxing at my house. I woke up around 12pm, and walked over to my bathroom which was connected to my room, looking into the mirror I see my light brown hair knotted into a mess around the bun I had put it in days prior, damn I need a shower, what day is it? I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and stared at this monstrosity of a human being, I was a pretty sad excuse of a person in a state like that. I'd probably get confused for Chewbacca if someone saw me from behind. I looked into my own hazel eyes, looking at the dust of freckles across my face, I blinked as my stomach gurgled, still super upset I guess. I leaned over the toilet and let out what stomach contents I had left. Between the violent vomiting and releasing of my intestines, it was quite awful to be alone in the house. Usually it was peaceful given we live just outside of Hawkins, but right now I was vulnerable and felt like crap.

I crawled on all fours around the house, it was the most efficient way to get around because standing made me nauseous. Also not completely terrible since my parents have carpet in most rooms and areas of the house, bonus for me. I looked around, then made my way to the living room to sulk in my loveseat, I was starving but I couldn't keep anything in. I turned the TV on and The Flintstones were on, it was an awesome show, even as an older teenager it was refreshing and funny. I sat there huddled up in a soft blanket, wondering what day it was. Mom should be getting home any day now.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Instead of a doorbell we had this buzzer, which was far less annoying and loud. My family is not a fan of loud noises, especially my dad. He has PTSD from his first few deployments, so when he's home he tries to avoid any triggers as much as possible since his time home is to relax. I try peaking from where I'm sitting but I couldn't see who it was, but I could definitely tell it wasn't my mother as she would either just let herself in or I would see her big suitcase.

I crawled over to the door, unlocked it and stood up lazily to lean against the door. I opened it a little to be greeted by Eddie Munson. "Hello Munson, what can I do for ya?" I said slowly, trying to keep in the remainder of my stomach contents. I could feel the hot bubbling rising up my esophagus, and my god it felt disgusting. I placed my hand over my mouth just in case.

"I went by your little art exhibit in the basement, your stuff is pretty sick. Then I found myself in Ms. Greens room looking for more," He walked towards the door, somewhat inviting himself in, I wasn't complaining, he was good company. As he took his shoes off, he looked around at my home. I moved here in more recent years so this house was still a wonder for me as well. "And she asked me to check on you, since it was unlike you to miss school. And apparently... your parents didn't answer the schools calls." He looked over at our landline. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall with some picture frames. I just looked at him, I didn't know what to say because it had never been a problem that my parents aren't around until now, since I'm ill. Even though I'm 18, since I'm in highschool my parents still must be aware of consecutive absences.

I hobbled over to the kitchen table, grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the fridge and two glasses for Eddie and I. I still didn't have any words and I gestured for Eddie to take a seat across from me. "My parents are, international workers." I put it simply, had people been aware of my situation prior to my stomach flu, I would've been placed in foster care for absent parents. I couldn't ask for my life to be any different though, it's peaceful and it's nice to be taught that it's okay to be alone. I poured the two glasses seventy-five percent, and scooted one glass towards Eddie. He cupped his hands around it like it was a hot drink, it was cute.

He nodded his head while quirking an eyebrow, "So, what exactly do your parents do?" He asked, leaning forwards, all ears for what I have to say. He wasn't wearing his jacket today, it was just his Hellfire shirt, his sleeves were rolled up and I noticed he had some tattoos.

"My mom is an international lawyer, she does a lot of work for people in the upper class, y'know. All the scandals, tax fraud, the occasional sexual assault and murder," I looked at him in the eyes while taking a sip of my orange juice. He looked beyond interested, he also glimpsed at a family picture that was on the kitchen counter near our bread. "My dad is in the military, he's on this like secret task force so he gets deployed pretty often for indefinite periods of time. But it pays pretty well." I sighed while leaning back into the wooden kitchen chair, it caused the floor to creak a bit.

"Who's the boy standing next to you in that photo?" He used his head to nod in the direction of the family photo. I pursed my lips and looked towards the window, not Derrick... Eddie leaned on his arms onto the table, his eyes were comforting but his curiosity brought back some past guilt and grief.

I hesitated at first, but he was only trying to be there for me and learn. "That's my brother Derrick, he passed away. It was... an accident." I looked into my lap and looked at my hands, I blinked and suddenly I was cold. Goosebumps shot through my body, blood pooled in my hands, when I looked up Eddie wasn't there anymore. My house was covered in black roots, it pried the door open, wind howled through my home and nothing was the same. I was back in this fantasy again. "Please let me out." I called out, "I'm sorry I dont know what I did please let me out." The grandfather clock chimed, I whipped my head around looking for any sign of someone else, I looked down at my hands and blood was all over them and all over me.

"Mavis?" A boy called out, I looked to where it came from and it was Derrick. He was there, in front of me. I was at a loss for words, I wanted to run to hug him, had it not been for the gaping hole in his chest.

Tears swelled my eyes, "Derrick... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, it wasn't me..." I fell to my knees and looked up at my little brother, I was 10 and Derrick was only six when everything happened. I was sobbing on the floor of my foreign home, I didn't know what to do but apologize over and over again.

"It was you, sissy. It was your fault. You killed me." He walked toward me, his eyes were black, he looked down on me as I kneeled, apologizing profusely. He had something in his hand, he swung it up and was about to make contact until everything went back to normal.

"MAVIS WAKE UP. WHY IS YOUR NOSE BLEEDING? ARE YOU OKAY?! I DON'T LIKE THIS, WAKE UP RIGHT NOW." Eddie was nearly screaming at the top of his lungs while shaking me trying to break my trance. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, I had no words, I just held my mouth agape trying to speak but I couldn't gather enough strength so say anything. Then I felt the bubbling of my stomach contents, I ran for the bathroom and I threw up. Eddie came after me and was rubbing my back, making sure my bun didn't get puke in it.

"I'm sorry." I pushed out, still gagging. When there was no more left to throw up I leaned back against my big bath tub, I was looking at him in absolute suffering.

He pushed himself over and sat beside me, "I shouldn't have asked about your brother I'm sorry. But what was that? Your nose was bleeding and you were like... not mentally present." He chuckled awkwardly, nudging me lightly in he arm with his arm.

I didn't know how to explain it, but I mean, would anyone really know how to explain this? If I told anyone I'd be called a schizo. "It's nothing really, I think just some... weird thing I guess." I tilted my head from side to side. Letting out a breath of air, I looked at Eddie whose eyes met with mine. I couldn't help but tear up, as much as I didn't want him to know what I did, I want to tell him at the same time. I was so conflicted.

"Don't lie to me, it's not nothing and something tells me this has happened before. Am I right?" He's talking about the situation from school... fuck. This needs to stop happening. I just looked at him with sad eyes, I couldn't tell him he was wrong, because he wasn't.

I nodded, he put his hand onto my head and pulled my head onto his shoulder, he then moved his hand to my cheek and gently caressed my cheek with his thumb, he smiled "It's okay, you'll tell me eventually. For now, I got you."

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