chapter 4

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Finally the stomach flu went away, Eddie became my friend and I started hanging out with the group. I've come to learn that Eddie and I are the oldest. And how Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and another kid Will used to be an unbreakable quartet. Then Will's family moved away for secret reasons, I joked that it was something absolutely mind boggling and had something to do with the unexplainable things in Hawkins. They didn't like they joke very much.

"So Mavis, what's up with your art style?" Dustin asked at the lunch table, I was munching on some fresh carrots, I looked at him and everyone was waiting for an answer impatiently. I didn't like all those beady eyes on me. It made me feel icky.

"It's just these visions I have sometimes, I call it a fantasy, it's comparable to something like lucid dreaming." I explained, continuing on my carrots. Fuck I love carrots. I dipped it in some ranch, and continued munching. Vegetables and fruits are my go to, considering meat makes me feel gross a lot.

"Oh that's cool, that's cool. Do these fantasies happen a lot?" Mike stole one of my carrots to which I shot him a death glare but let him take one anyway. They all seemed so unnecessarily interested, it's making me feel weird.

"I'd say like once or twice a week." I said, I got up to get a napkin. "Anyone got any garbage?" I asked holding a tray out, might as well make my trip worth more than just a napkin. Whoever had garbage in our group placed it on the tray, and off I went to the garbage bin. I dumped everything out and grabbed some napkins for myself and everyone, when I looked at the table, Dustin, Mike and Lucas were huddling and whispering to each other while Eddie and the other boys talked amongst themselves, hmm ominous.

When I arrived at the table again, Dustin, Lucas and Mike jolted away from each other, stammering some nonsense. "U-uh yeah so that party is tonight. I'm sure Jason wouldnt mind if yall showed up." Lucas spat out, with an awkward chuckle, looking at all of us but avoiding eye contact with me.

Eddie laughed at Lucas's invite, "parties are lame, we are the superior peoples." He exclaimed, lightly slamming his fist onto the table, I looked at him with the sudden movement, jeez, the exaggeration can be a little much sometimes.

"I'm down to go." I shrugged, sitting down next to Eddie, "It is spring break starting today. Might as well have a little fun and troll the prissy popular kids." I smiled, I looked and Eddie who seemed satisfied with my intent, he and I are similar that way. Living to spite those who judge.

Time skip.

"What the fuck do you wear to a party?" I said out loud while pacing my bedroom, throwing my clothes around to find something half decent.  "If I dress up too much then I will look like I'm trying too hard, if I dress up too little I will look lazy. What the actual fuck." I slammed my face into the nearest pillow, feeling frustrated I rolled onto my back, letting out some air. I wish Derrick was here to help me out like he used to. My little brother was my best friend before the incident, he had the best fashion sense, especially for an eight year old.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Oh there must be someone here, I walked over in shorts and a sports bra to peak out the peephole, it was Eddie. I guess that's who decided to give me a ride to the party, it is at someone's house not far from here, I could have walked. I opened the door.

"Hello Hello, Munson." I greeted, walking back to my room to figure my shit out. I started throwing clothes again, I was not satisfied with my options. Where is all my good shit?!

"Whoa there, Jackson," Eddie covered his eyes upon noticing that I was in shorts and a sports bra. "I can wait outside." He offered, turning his back to me to be polite. I laughed aloud and rolled my eyes.

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