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"What's up City Of Angels!" Nash yelled.

We glared at him, "What was LA better?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied and the crowd started laughing.

Nash started talking until Kylie told him to shut up.

"You know who's an amazing singer?" We asked.

"Me of course" Nash said.

"No your not" I said.

"Of course I am" he said and started singing.

"Dude shut up before you break our eardrums" Kylie said.

"He's 14" I pointed out.

"Oh Daniel" he said. "Our singing skills are definitely alike" he added.

"Actually no because he can actually sing" I pointed out.

"I like Nash's singing!" A couple of girls yelled from the crowd.

"Ha" he said.


"I want to find you a boyfriend" Gilinsky said to me as we walked to dinner.

Cameron glared at him and grabbed my hand, I suddenly became nervous.

"Or not" he said under his breathe.

I slowly pulled my hand away, he gave me a confused look and I just smiled.

"Pizza or Chipotle?" Johnson asked.

"Pizza!" I replied jumping up and down.

After we got our pizza we walked back to the tour bus which had Jack, Jack, Jacob, Aaron, Nash, Kylie, Andrea, Alex, Dani, and I. There was one extra bunk bed for someone who was coming in the middle of the tour.

"We bought food!" I yelled.

Nobody answered we glanced at each other and slowly walked over to the bunk beds. They were all asleep except for Dani and Nash because they were nowhere to be seen.

"Dumb bitches fell asleep, more pizza for us!" Andrea said causing us to laugh.

The bus was leaving in 10 minutes and Nash and Dani were nowhere to be seen.

"Ello" Nash said popping out of nowhere.

"Aww we were hoping the bus would leave you" Alex said.

"I like you" I told her and she smiled.

Kylie jumped off her bed, literally, and gave us all dirty looks. She looked at her phone with wide eyes.

"It's 11 what time did I fall asleep?" She asked.

"7" I told her.

"Damn" she muttered under her breathe.

I noticed Dani and Nash talking there faces close together. Then Jacob and Alex she was laughing nervously and blushing. Kylie looked confused, Jack and Aaron laughing at there phone Johnson sleeping as the bus started.

"Hey" Cam said sitting next to me and kissing my cheek and smiling.

"Hi" I replied smiling.

"We don't talk much anymore, why?" He asked.

"I don't know about you but I've been busy" I told him.

I laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I miss you" he said, I smiled and nodded in agreement, I felt myself oddly blushing as he place his hand on my thigh.

"Get a room" Gilinsky said.

"Cause there's rooms here" I said sarcastically.

I laid down on the couch putting my legs on his lap as the bus stopped so they could put gas in.

Hayes ran in and jumped on top of me.

"Owe Hayes" I said pushing him off causing him to fall on the ground with a large thump.

"Oh my god Hayes are you okay?" I asked kneeling down as the others chuckled.

"I thought we had something special" he said touching his heart. "I thought you weren't like Kylie or Nash but no I was wrong girl your a bitch too" he said.

"No I'm not Hayes you love me" I said hugging him.

"Hayes get off the bus and back to ours we're about to leave" Taylor said.

"Why can Cameron say?" He asked.

"Because he can now hurry up" she said.

"Aww Hayes has a girlfriend" I teased smiling.

"She's not my girlfriend" he growled glaring at me and walking away.

"Bye Hayes" I said smiling innocently.


I just realized how short my chapters are I'm going to try making them longer.

And also sorry that I just added like 4 characters in all at once.

Princess Gaby out

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