Pick me girls

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One thing I cannot fucking stand to save my life is pick me ass bitches who think they are so quirky and different just by being "one of the guys" or "nerdy".

People who constantly attack other girls for liking or doing things that are inherently feminine just to draw attention to themselves are so fucking disgusting. If your that fucking insecure you can literally just come out and say that.

There is no need to repetitively put others down just to bring yourself up. Like those annoying girls on tiktok that will post something being like "omg im so fugly🥺🥺" just to have people in the comments validate them and dismiss their so called "flaws". This a little thing called compliment fishing and it is annoying as hell.

Further more, people who slut shame are just as awful. Just because your conservative ass parents have brainwashed you into thinking that anyone who shows a little bit of skin in their outfits is a hoe doesnt mean you should call somebody a slut or an attention seeker for wearing a crop top or something else slightly revealing.

We get it, your "not like most girls" just because you feel the need to cover up, but not everyone shares the same views as you and you should be able to suck it up and respect that. They are not seeking attention from boys or anyone, you are the real attention seeker by feeling the need to go out of your way to shame them for the way they want to dress and express themselves.

Long story short, if you display any of these qualities please take your dry, trashy ass personality to the corner and sit the fuck down.
You know who you are😊

With love, Alivia❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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