Chapter 2

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Max opens up to Lucas about what happened.

Max stood in front of the Sinclair household, unsure of what to do. She knew they were safe but bet she looked awful. She didn't know if she could answer any questions about her appearance.

She touched her face to feel the damage Neil had done to her an hour or so prior. Although without a mirror, Max knew she looked terrible. The redhead could feel a bruise forming on her face along with her busted lip.

The taste of iron filled her mouth as she knocked on the door. Hopefully, the Sinclairs didn't ask too many questions. Her thoughts were interrupted as the door opened.

"Max, sweetie, what are you doing up? Oh my goodness, you look a wreck." Mrs. Sinclair pulled the exhausted teen into her house, concern on her face.

"I'm sorry to bother, Mrs. Sinclair, but I needed to...get out of my house."

"Nonsense, honey. You sit down while I get some ice. Do you want me to get Lucas?"

"You don't have to."


"Ok. That would be nice, thank you." Mrs. Sinclair left the room, leaving Max alone with her thoughts. A few minutes later, she returned with ice and a worried family behind her.

"Holy shit, Max..."

"I don't get a hello, Stalker?" She reached forward to hug him, a sense of security washing over her. He held onto her with care and it was as if they were the only people in the world. Lucas took his face in her hands and wiped the tears on her face. Max could see the worry in his eyes as he ran his fingers over the wounds. She immediately leaned into the touch.

"What happened to you, baby?"

"My stepdad. He- uh- got angry and I- it was my fault I should have minded my own business just like he told me-"

"Hey, this isn't your fault. You don't have to talk about it now. Why don't we get you cleaned up and we can talk about it when you're ready." She nodded, leaning into his embrace as she buried her face in his shoulder.

She could feel the worried stares of the rest of his family, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was her wrapped up in Lucas' embrace, safe from the world and safe from her stepfather.

Max knew she would have to go back eventually, but for now, she decided not to think about that. She felt her eyes droop as Lucas helped her up the stairs, the exhaustion slowly catching up to her.

All that mattered was her and Lucas.

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