Chapter 3

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Max and the Sinclairs talk about what happened.

Max woke up the next morning in Lucas' embrace. She was surprised that she didn't have any nightmares throughout her stay.

The redhead groaned as she heard a knock on the door, knowing she would have to leave her comfort space.

"Lucas, Max? When you're ready, come downstairs for breakfast so we can talk." Max tensed at Mr. Sinclair's words. She didn't know if she would be ready to answer the slew of questions she was about to get.

"You ok? I felt you tense up."

"I'm fine, just nervous." The teens sat up in bed together, arms locked.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. I'll be with you the whole time, ok?" Max nodded and leaned back into their embrace.

"I just don't know if I'll be able to get the words out, you know?"

"I get that. I've got some clothes that you can wear if you're ok with that. Why don't I leave you to change and then we talk everything out?"

"Yea...ok. Thanks, Stalker."

"Anytime MadMax."

After a few minutes of hugging, Lucas led Max to the bathroom. He left her with his clothes (and a sweatshirt), leaving to let her change.

As she peeled off her shirt and shorts from last night, she got to look at herself for the first time. The bruises on her wrists were still pretty prominent from the way she had been grabbed, but they weren't as bad as her face. It was healing, but slowly. It was an ugly blue with patches of yellow. Her lip didn't look much better, as it had become quite swollen. The cut was scabbing over and it itched.

She closed her eyes, remembering the moment in pieces.

May I remind you who's in charge here, Maxine.

You will mind your damn business in the future.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?


"Max! Max, are you ok in there? It's been a minute?" She jumped.

"Y-yea. Yea, I'll be out in a minute."

Max left the bathroom, feeling the stares from Lucas and his family as she made her way to the table.

"Max," she turned to face Mr. Sinclair, "We need to talk about what happened last night." She shook her head.

"Max," Lucas grabbed her hand from underneath the table, "It's ok. I promise you, baby, it's ok." She took a deep breath, squeezing her boyfriend's hand before beginning the story.

"It's probably obvious by now, but Neil hasn't been...nice. Ever. He would take it out on Billy, but now that Billy is gone he takes it out on my mom."

In. Out. In. Out.

"I heard them shouting at one another, which isn't unusual. But this time it was different."

"I lost it when I heard glass shattering and my feet moved on their own...I couldn't just leave my mom."

"And your eye?" asked Lucas.

"I told Neil to leave my mom alone..."


"And I may or may not have stood up to him. He lost it and punched me twice shouting 'do you understand'. As if that's gonna help me."

"Did...did your mom do anything?"

"I turned around to see if she was ok but she was nowhere to be seen. Either it was too much or she didn't care."


"It's ok, Lucas. He's had time to cool off, I'm sure it'll be fine and I can go back home."

"No, Max. I cannot let you go back there when you came over looking like this."

"I agree with Lucas." A small voice chimed in from behind him.

"I may be young, but you can't go back there. We need to figure something out. Also, Lucas and I will not hesitate to kick Neil's bald ass if he comes anywhere near you."

"Language, Erica!"

"I'm just saying!"

"You mean it?"

"We mean it, Mad Max."

"Glad to know I can rely on you and your family, Stalker."


"Inside joke between me and my girlfriend, Erica."

When she group hugged Lucas and his family, all her worries seemed to wash away. She had found her true family within them and the party. Although she was scared of what was going to happen with Neil and her mother, she knew that she wouldn't have to worry.

As long as she got to hug and kiss Lucas.

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