When Day Breaks 1

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Izuku walked along the run down streets of a city that was once filled with life, where you couldn't go more than a second without overhearing dozens of conversations and seeing hundreds of new faces. Now, it was empty save for the gelatinous masses of flesh that used to be people before the sun melted them, and the rare survivor here and there.

Izuku looked up at the new, red form of the sun, still clearly remembering what the world was like back when it was yellow. Back before day broke. Izuku had long since lost track of how long it has been since day broke, having stopped counting the days some time around a year after it happened, after the sun turned bad.

These days, the only semblance of company that Izuku had was Dr. Bright, his amulet allowing him to remain in control of his body, even though he had been melted just like so many others in the first hours of broken day. Though, Bright was a veritable mad man, having lost almost all of his sanity long ago. Dying hundreds of times would do that to a person.

Izuku and Bright were perhaps the only people in the whole world who could walk freely during the day, as Izuku didn't count 049-j as a person, seeing as he was more moss than flesh these days, and had never been truly human.

Speaking of the fake doctor, the reason that Izuku was walking through the city was to search for him, as they had gotten separated more than a month ago, and Izuku, Bright, and 049-j(though, Izuku and Bright had taken to calling him Woody nowadays due to the fact that his face looks like a wooden carving) had agreed to use that city as the rendezvous spot if they ever got separated.

While Izuku was pondering where he might find Woody, he noticed something in the shadow of one of the buildings. As he approached it, he realized that it was black writing that was oozing down the wall.

The Sun does not shine in hell
Shed your blood
Call for the Angel Of Darkness

Izuku pondered for a bit on what it could mean, before coming to a realization as the black liquid the writing was made of corroded the wall it was on.

"Lawrence(1), it would seem that I've finally found you." Izuku says with a smile, recalling the many fond memories that he shares with the old man, and the many conversations that they've shared.

Izuku takes a knife from his pocket(he had taken to carrying one everywhere these days, it makes it far easier to open boxes, both metal and wood ones) and runs it across his palm while whispering out a request for the Angel Of Darkness to come help him.

After not but a mere second, a portal forms from black ooze on the wall, and 2 people step out. One being an old woman with pale, leathery skin, whom was wearing a white robe with the hood up, and the other was the easily recognizable form of SCP-106, who's eyes lit up with recognition upon seeing Izuku's face.

"Hello Lawrence, long time no see."


1: for those who don't know, SCP-106's real name is Corporal Lawrence, he gained the rank as a soldier in WWI.

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