Lesson: Do Not Follow In Your Father's Footsteps

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Gon swished his tail. Youpi had told him to wait here until someone told him to move and he was starting to get agitated. The many servants bustling about him and, well, ignoring him didn't help. He kept up the rhythmic swishing. Swish swish swish swish swi-

"I'm Pitou, a member of the royal guard!" an upbeat voice interrupted his anxious swishing. "The King is ready for you. Please follow me." A mer with a large feline smile, and cat ears that looked strangely fluffy in the underwater current, told him.

Gon stared at them, a twitch in his brow. Something about this Pitou... Irked him. He had never had violent tendencies but now? He was feeling an urge to, like, I don't know, be-head them? He shook his head to clear his thoughts. It would definitely not help his already terrible social image if he killed a member of the royal guard, not that he could kill Pitou. They were a royal guard for a reason.

The green haired mer followed Pitou down the large halls of the Palace, his head whipping side to side at it's splendor. He was so taken by his surroundings he didn't see the King until he almost bumped into him.

"Oops!! Sorry sorry I didn't mean it plsdontkillme."  Gon spat out as quickly as he possibly could. His ears burned a dark red. Second time embarrassing himself in front of the King, yay!

Cold eyes regarded him as Gon cowered under King Meruem's glare. The King said nothing, instead choosing to turn and continue down a new hallway, if it could even be called that. This 'hall' was so big it might have just been a ballroom. Except a very long ballroom. That just went on and on and on and o- Well, you get the point. Gon couldn't even see the end of it. A hallway that never ends? Well, this was the King's place after all. Anything was possible. Well that's not daunting at all. He thought in a slight panic. I'm going to be murdered in a beautiful endless corridor. Great.

Pictures of previous rulers adorned the walls, their paintings done in coral mosaics with pearl encrusted frames. The portraits just went on and on, one seeming to fill the space after the next in a never ending cycle. The paintings seemed to stretch the whole way down the hall too. They were quite big as well. At least the size of two Gons stacked on top of each other, tail to top. Gon briefly wondered how many rulers of the ocean there had been. If this hallway was anything to go by, too many to count. He shuddered. It was scary to think about the amount of royalty that had ruled these oceans.

All the time they had been travelling, King Meruem had remained silent. As if he was letting Gon brew in his thoughts, before shocking him with something crazy.

"Do you know why I have summoned you before me?" He spoke at last. Gon jumped in alarm. He had been distracted by the rich jewel studded walls and the open ceiling above them, which let in a bright blue sunlight. Arches criss crossed above them, and it was quite beautiful really. Well it would have been, if he wasn't standing next to the all powerful ruler of the sea.

"N-no, Your Royal Highness King Meruem."
Gon finally stuttered out an answer, reminiscent of Kumogi's 'Dear Leader'.

Meruem stopped abruptly and turned to face Gon. "Are you aware of who your father is?"

The green haired mer nodded weakly, rubbing the back of his neck. A nervous habit.

"Ging Freeccss was once a member of my trusted and scared council of twelve. An honour bestowed to only the highest of all Mer. Until he ran off on land with some human girl." He spat out the word with disgust, as if it would poison him if it stayed in his mouth any longer. "That girl was your mother. After that I abolished the council. I could not have any more-" he narrowed his eyes. "defects." The King spoke in a clipped and precise manner, not rushing his words or going too slow. That just made him all the more imposing.

Gon swallowed nervously. This was the point in the conversation where he was smited to blithereens by King Meruem's golden trident that currently stood intimidatingly on his hand.

"He is now off, gallavanting somewhere unknown and travelling the world; going anywhere he pleases, instead of where he belongs. Where he belongs being here, of course where we would enforce the death penalty for relations with a human."

Gon did not bother mentioning that Ging probably wasn't here because he didn't want to be executed, but that was just a thought.

"He is a disgrace to Mer kind. I have called you today to tell you that you must not follow in your father's footsteps. As the saying goes, the pearl does not stray far from the clam. Any and all contact with humans is strictly forbidden. I believe sending a letter would be less effective, so I wanted to say it to your face. Do not interact with any human.
Consider this your warning. You are dismissed."

Gon was frozen. One name echoed through his mind. Killua... His resolve was made up quickly though. He had to see Killua, whether it cost him his life or not. In fact, as soon as Gon got out of this imposing place he was going to meet Killua. The human boy's words echoed in his head like waves in a shell. I'll meet you here tomorrow, same time.....


Just wanted to note, that I really disliked this chapter. The buildup to it (last chapter) was wayyy funner. But ya win some, ya lose some. Also yet again, sorry for mistakes its 11 at night I don't have themental capacity for this.

𝖽𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝗱𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝘿𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙎
I feel like a stoopid rat for staying this again but THX for 300 reads I'm probs not gonna say this again becuz then I really will be stoopid but ANYWAYS I love you pls go on a date with me

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