Lesson: Do Not Find Out About Magical Shells

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After making a quick exit from the Palace, (via King Meruem's sea limo) Gon swam up to his and Killua's secret beach, where Killua was already waiting for him. Due to his impromptu visit to the King, Gon was slightly late and the time was currently 9:24. Hopefully Killua hadn't been waiting too long. Or at least had something to entertain him with. Or was at least there. Please be there, Gon silently begged.

The mer dragged himself up the sandy shore, tail splitting painfully to form legs. Killua was staring at his now-formed legs intently, as if he had never seen legs before. From his reaction, he seemed to not even notice that Gon was naked. Killua seemed mesmerised by the transition from mer to human. Since its his first time seeing this, he must just be interested. Gon concluded. The other boy sure was interested, but not for the reasons Gon assumed.

Killua had in fact been waiting at the beach since 7 AM. He had even skipped breakfast in his haste to leave, which would probably raise some questions form his family later but he opted to ignore this fact. He had rushed down to the beach (before checking to make sure his family weren't following him, since you could never be to sure with them) despite knowing Gon wasn't supposed to be there until around 9. He had been studying the old book he had borrowed from the library intently, carving every word from the page about the shell into his mind.

Questions burned his mind, and the shell was the only thing that had been on his mind all morning. He was dying to ask Gon about it, but now that the boy was here he didn't know what to say. Should he just ask outright? Or beat around the bush?   He ended up not getting a choice, as Gon asked him first.

"Hey Killu!" luckily he was now fully dressed, though his outfit wasn't very stylish (much to Killua's distaste) "whatchu got there?" he nodded at the worn leather book in Killua's hands.

"Oh this?" Killua glanced at the book. "I've been meaning to ask you something actually."

"Me too!" Gon replied, going to sit on the rock next to Killua.

"You first then."

"No you! I want to hear you Killu."

"No, I don't mind really." Killua insisted, politeness getting the best of him.

"Fine I'll just say it." They both replied in sync, which resulted in another synchronised "No you! No-" then both at the same time:

"I think your mother is a famous siren who left the ocean and you're part mer!"

"Do you possible have a magical shell that granted you a wish and allows you to have legs?"

Both human and merman stated at each other, processing what the other had said. Gon was the first to gather his senses, as his revelation was slightly less shocking then finding out your whole life was practically a lie.

"What do you mean a magical shell? I have legs because my mother is a human. Well- not that I've ever met her but still!"

Killua collected himself, brushing a tuft of white hair behind his ear and replying "I found a book in the library. This book!" he held up said book "it says that the shell you found is apparently a mystical shell that grants Merpeople legs. I just thought that since you have legs... "

"Oh." Gon considered "understandable."


Short chapter becuz I just can't bruv. Anyways motivation is down the fucking toilet. also school hasn't even ended yet 🤧 my head hurts like crazy shit and tmr I'm getting braces on for three years lucky me 💕

Fish out of water ;  killugon mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now