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"Once upon a time in far away kingdom"

"Now hold on who are you talking to?"

"Can't you see I am telling a story? Anyhow, once upon a time a in a far away kingdom lived a king and queen."

"Which kingdom does not have one?"

"WILL YOU SHUT IT?" *glaring at the man*

"Yes madam." *gulp*

"Ahem sorry. The queen was delighted when the doctor delivered the news that she-."

"Doctor who?"


"AAAHH" running away screeching like a banshee

Due to unavoidable circumstances the author will have to continue the story.

"Mason." Called out queen Aurora holding her stomach thanks to the baby who seemed quite eager to get out.

"Hmm." Said Drowsily and half asleep King Mason of the Royale kingdom.

"MASON FOR GOODNESS SAKE GET UP!" screeched Aurora kicking her husband off the bed.

"I Am awake!" jolted the king.

Seeing his beloved in pain he reached by her side and asked, " My love what is the matter?"

"Oww the water broke you idiot." Winced Aurora crying out in pain trying to keep her tears at bay. Probably making herself a promise to never have a child again.

"The water broke." the king parroted dumbly.

"THE WATER BROKE!" screamed now horrified husband not a regale king.

"Bring the healer quick" Ordered the king as manly he could whilst you know panicking and making a dash towards the door.

"Where are you going without me!" beseechingly called out the queen after.

"Oh sorry my dear." Said mason helping up his wife.

"Your highness. The healer has arrived." Said the guard near the door not wanting to be any near a very emotional woman be it be his queen.

"Quick send her in." said Mason in a pained voice. No not because he was sad seeing his wife in pain but due to the fact she was clawing his hand.

"Your highness please GO Out!" Said the healer attending the queen.

After king was sent out, soon later sound of beautiful sound of wailing was heard. The king sighed in relief when the healer came to congratulate him for now being father of a healthy and a beautiful daughter. The king made his way towards his chamber where on their bed lay his beautiful queen, ruler of her heart holding their equally beautiful daughter.

Aurora saw Mason approach her.

"She is beautiful isn't she?" asked a very tired Aurora.

"Yes." whispered Mason awing at site of his daughter.

"What do you think we should name her." he wondered out loud.

"How about Calista?" pondered Aurora.

Mason smiled in agreement and so Calista was born.

The Beauty of the beastWhere stories live. Discover now