The Beast in disguise of Beauty

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"And I am back. Sorry my dear friends for leaving the story in middle but I had to deal with something urgent."

"So where were we? Oh yes Calista the heiress to throne was born."

"And I got beaten up"

"Yes, yes you did. Do I remind you why?" *with a I-will-kill-you-and-enjoy-it-smile*


"As Calista grew up she became to be known as beauty

With heart of the beast."


Since her birth Calista was pampered by beyond compare by her parents. She was always showered with gifts and love, tooth rotting love which made her rotten on inside. Leading to what she had become toady.

"You Highness your clothes are kept on the bed" murmured the maid bowing her head. In her mind, she prayed to all-mighty God that clothes matched the standards of the princess. She did not want to face the wrath of the princess again.

"NO! GOD NO! They are too ugly." whined Calista flailing her arms in an all-bitchy-mode.

"I asked you for a dress pretty enough for me." she said menacingly making her way towards now trembling maid.

"Y-your Hi-Highness I am sorry." pleaded the maid begging for mercy for a non-existent crime.

"Y-your Hi-Highness I am sorry." mimicked the princess mockingly with eyes shining with malice

"THAT'S IT! I will ask father to deal with you later." answered the princess the maid who now was weeping helplessly.

Other maids of Calista couldn't help but share pitiful glances knowing her fate. To be shunned out of the kingdom. Only if Calista was beautiful on inside as she was on out.

"Get out! Guards! Take this wretched creature away." she called out the helpless maid sealing her fate with just flick of her hand.

"N-no please no." she screamed and thrashed against the guards. Even the guards couldn't help but feel sorry.

As soon as the maid was taken away, Calista dismissed her as one of many not good enough maids.

"What are you staring at." she turned towards her handmaids tapping her foot impatiently.

"Where is my perfect dress for my birthday ball?"

And with that the handmaids dashed stumbling on their feet not wanting to face the same. Thankfully no other had to face the wrath of princess.

The princess stood in front of the mirror admiring her beauty. Fixing her crown and her dress for umpteenth impatiently for her parents to call down for the ball.


"Come in."

"Your highness. Your presence in requested by your parents." said the guard with his gaze downwards not wanting to look her bitchiness in eyes.

"Finally." she murmured under her breath moving through the door with guard following her.

Making her way through the palace she reached at throne room entrance. Where herald announced her presence.

"Behold and lo! The heiress of the throne, Princess Calista has arrived." bellowed their royal herald silencing all as if warning the crowd of the be"witching" beauty.

And with that Calista entered the throne room liking the feel of being center of attention.



That's Calista for you. And the twist. A beastly beauty.

The Beauty of the beastWhere stories live. Discover now