A Day of Relaxation

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Nathan's POV

Waking up from my sleep I stretch my arms and get ready for training

"Morning Nappa Raditz" I say to the two saiyans

"Morning" both say

"Listen Kid Raditz and I have to get back to our jobs as Lumber jacks today so for the day you won't be training with us" Nappa says

"And my brother won't be training you today as he has stuff needing to be taken care of so you have a free day to explore and relax" Raditz says

"Very well because being too focused on training is not wise for a fighter right?" I ask

"Exactly cause an experienced fighter knows when a break is needed and you've been training for the past three weeks with us none stop so get out there and explore the world" Nappa says

Nappa and Raditz exit the cabin which I then exit afterward

Floating off the ground I fly high into the sky before taking off in a random direction

Flying through the sky I begin to think to myself

"To think I'm going on a journey through the dragon ball world heh I'm sure some fan's are jealous right now" I think to myself

As I'm flying I don't notice a particular aircraft approaching me from the west

Suddenly I hear Bulma's voice

"Nathan!" Bulma shouts from her aircraft's microphone

"Bulma?" I say as I float in the air

"What brings you out here for? Wouldn't you be working right now at capsule Corp?" I ask Bulma

"She was but Goku and your side mentor's told her that you have a free day from training so she wanted to see you" Videl says from the microphone

"VIDEL! Don't tell him that!" Bulma yells

I sweatdrop at the scene

"Ahem in any case what are you doing right now?" Bulma asks me

"Right now I'm just flying around the world exploring the areas of the world besides what showed me when I first arrived in this world" I say calmly

"Do you Maybe want us to join you on exploring the world?" Bulma asks me

"Ms Briefs if I didn't know any better I would say that your trying to ask me on a date." I say

"I-I-I!" Bulma says stuttering which the aircraft then takes off like a bat out of hell

"Oook then" I say which I then continuing flying through the sky

Meanwhile with Bulma and Videl 3rd POV

"Bulma what the hell was that about?!" Videl shouts

"What?" Bulma asks

"Don't 'What' me girl why did you all of sudden fly the ship like you're a bat coming out of freaking hell for?!" Videl says loudly

"I don't know what came over me it's just when he said date I freaked out" Bulma says shamefully

"You have to understand that he's not like Yamcha Bulma I'm sure he will never betray the girl he falls for" Videl says

"How can you be so sure he won't be like Yamcha?" Bulma asks Videl

"Because I won't be like him" Nathan says surprising the two girls

"How did you find us so quick like Nathan?" Videl asks

"I followed where the aircraft went like a bat out of hell and saw it just floating in the air I guess you were scolding Bulma for what she did." Nathan says

"Yeah she did but did you really mean when you said you won't be like Yamcha?" Bulma asks

"While I'm not going to barge into your personal history with him Bulma I will say this with both of you as witness I vow to never lower myself to Yamcha's standards besides I know to respect a woman's privacy and not to enter any room the woman doesn't want me to enter unless give permission by said woman" Nathan says

"Huh so just for the fun of it I guess what do you look for in a woman Nathan?" Videl asks

"Straight to the point huh right so while most guys think that smarts or a big chest or hot ass is best for a woman same could be said for a guy in a woman's perspective example if the guy has a rocking 8 pack or big package if you catch my drift I don't believe in those as requirements for my ideal woman" Nathan says

"Really? What do you look for in a woman then?" Both ask at the same time

"What I focus on in a woman is the heart" Nathan says

"The heart?" Bulma asks Nathan

"Yes the heart for the heart can really show how a person really is an example Person A who is really sweet and caring on the outside but behind closed doors is a sadistic evil and heartless sob to their loved ones and family the same can be said about someone who looks evil but has a pure heart" Nathan says which amazes Bulma Videl and even piccolo who is listening all the way from his current location

"I never really thought about it that way I guess your right the heart can show ones true colors" Bulma says

"Indeed" Videl

"What will you do now?" Bulma asks Nathan

"I will continue my day of Relaxation as I was told to do by Goku Raditz and Nappa since they are busy today" Nathan says

"We can help show you some good places to relax at if you'd like" Videl says from aircraft microphone

"That'd be great please lead the way I'll follow the aircraft" Nathan says which Bulma then pilots the aircraft flying North

Over the time the three are traveling Nathan Bulma and Videl are acting like friends laughing sharing stories everything friends do

"Maybe you can be the one who brightens their world Nathan as they need it more than ever" Piccolo says from his location in the world

After spending most of the day relaxing and hanging out with Bulma and Videl Nathan returns to the cabin to see Raditz and Nappa back from work

"Hey kid your back did you enjoy your time off?" Nappa asks Nathan

"Yeah I flew around for a bit before hanging out with Bulma and Videl as they showed me some places I can relax at if I need a break" Nathan says as he sits on the couch

"Trying to hit up the two of  them are ya?" Raditz says smugly

"One your a idiot Raditz and two no I'm not I just hanged out them since you Nappa and Goku told me to take a break today" Nathan says calmly

After some chatter the three decide to call it a night and head to bed which the three then fall asleep in their respective beds


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