A Chase at the Marketplace

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Kurapika continued following after where he thought Chrollo went, eventually catching sight of him again. He picked up the pace, running after him and.. sort of forgetting he was holding onto Gon...

Where are we going..? Thought a very confused Gon. What's the rush?

Chrollo would hear Kurapika's running footsteps, look behind him, and knew immediately that he should have bolted. Chrollo does a swivel type move and runs quickly back into the crowd, ducking down slightly so he really blends in with the other people, thinking in his mind that he'll just go out from the way he came in. Unless that is if the chain user finds him, then he assumes he won't be going out at all...

Kurapika knew he couldn't lose Chrollo now. He didn't even bring regard to the surrounding crowd anymore, pushing past them to reach Chrollo by any means necessary. And he was still holding onto poor Gon.

...He wasn't stopping until Chrollo was in his sights again.

"Excuse me, uh- oops, sorry about that!"

Gon was just spewing apologies at everyone they shoved past in the large crowd, like a broken record. He had no idea what was happening but if Kurapika seemed to be in a hurry then it probably was important.

Chrollo would continue secretly and swiftly through the crowd, peering behind him at Kurapika and Gon once and a while...he would curse in his head and proceed faster, trying not to push anyone over while fleeing.

Kurapika began nearing Chrollo by the second, starting to try and reach out with his hand to grab onto the man's coat. He needed to catch him.. he NEEDED to.

While speeding through the crowd, Gon noticed a familiar face in the distance, Killua.

Its Killua! I bought a gift for him earlier.

Gon tried to wave to him but he didn't seem to notice. Gon soon lost sight of him in the crowd, they were going too fast.

Chrollo turns his head to look at Kurapika and thinks in is mind, crap...maybe I should push people...but that would just cause a scene...I'll just let him grab me. Chrollo would slow down, allowing Kurapika to grab onto his coat.

Gon finally realized what they were chasing after. It was Chrollo! How did he not notice him before?

This is bad... I just wanted to eat my mango.. ☹️ I need to calm down Kurapika before things get out of hand.. this isn't the best place to face Chrollo. Gon thought to himself worriedly.

Kurapika grabbed onto Chrollo's coat once it was within reach, attempting to yank him backwards and towards himself. They had some talking to do.

Killua was shopping for a snack before meeting up with Gon later that day, but all of a sudden he felt familiar auras around him. The air was quite tense for a bit but then it started going a bit further and further. He looked around and in the corner of his eye he saw a glimpse of Gon and Kurapika. He looked at them confused until he saw Chrollo.

Isn't that Gon and Kurapika..? Why are they rushing? wait... they are chasing Chrollo?! I'll use zetsu and go over there...

He went over to them swiftly and quietly then hid behind a stall without acting suspicious and started listening.

"First of all— what are you doing here? And don't give me some bullsh-"

He caught himself, looking back at Gon for a second then looking back at Chrollo.

"Bull...crap answer. I know you can't be here just to shop."

He narrowed his eyes, turning Chrollo around so that they were now face to face and Kurapika could hold him by the collar.

Chrollo would sigh.

"I came here to steal. I had no intention to harm you or your friend. If I did I would have done it already."

That at least brought some level of comfort to Kurapika. He knew he wasn't going to hurt Gon. But he knew he couldn't just leave him here like this.. no.. he had to bring him in. He didn't want to make more of a scene than he had, though.. so he let go of Gon's hand to start dragging Chrollo away.

Gon followed Kurapika, keeping a close eye on Chrollo.

Killua followed them while still using zetsu...

To be continued. . .

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