The Backfiring Experience of Rage

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(No recap//Back with Kurapika and Chrollo)

Kurapika had fallen unconscious again at some point during all of this, having felt drowsy. He awoke again just now, holding his head in pain as he sat up.


Chrollo would sigh...

"Good, you're awake again. You still have yet to answer my question."

He would stand up from the spot he was sitting and look at Kurapika.

"Hmm.. What question?"

Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows, unable to remember what Chrollo had asked of him.

"Why did you come after me when I meant you no harm. And a legitimate reason."

He would cross his arms, Chrollo now had a shirt on, it was his white button up. It'd be a pain if he were to get it dirty...again.

".. I have my reasons."

Kurapika said, shrugging. Now he was just in it to piss Chrollo off. He closed his eyes and leaned against the boxes, resting his head for a moment.

"'s always the same response..."

Chrollo would smile, scheming.

"Killua was following us. He got hurt pretty badly by Illumi and Hisoka during a he's gone with them. Gon stayed, he was involved too. But that's just the littlest trigger right? I'll need something bigger to make you REALLY upset. Then maybe you'll slip up and tell me."

"Shut the heck up."
Kurapika said, opening his eyes again to shoot an ice cold glare in Chrollo's direction. He wasn't going to let some words get the better of him.. maybe. At least he hoped he wouldn't..

"Mhm...and how are you going to make me do that, hm?"

Chrollo would bring his arms down, he didn't seem intimidated in the slightest by Kurapika's glare. Instead, he seemed pleased by it...

Kurapika narrowed his eyes, considering whether or not he could attack right now.. his rage hadn't completely blinded him. He could see when there was a fight he wasn't going to win. He sighed, not responding to Chrollo's rhetorical question and instead closing his eyes again.

"How about you answer my question and I'll answer yours? Why do you have me here? Couldn't you have just left me out on the street? If anything, you've revealed to me your location. Unless, that is, you plan to kill me before this is over."

"I do not plan to kill you, I brought you here because I need to know why. I care not that you know my location now, you're welcome to come whenever you'd like."

Chrollo would subtly smirk.

"I could not have just...left you on the street. That could have ended in so many other possibilities. I don't like the outcome of those. So, question. Answer it with an honest and sincere reasoning."

Chrollo would kneel again, looking Kurapika dead in the eyes.

Good.. Gon thought.

At Least now Kurapika is controlling his anger. I hope this won't escalate into another fight, Kurapika's injured enough as it is.. Gon looked around the room for any possible exits. There were a few small cracked windows, and some doorways leading to other rooms. He wanted to leave with Kurapika and find Killua as soon as possible.

Just because Kurapika's eyes were closed, doesn't mean that he couldn't feel Chrollo's stare. As he awaited Kurapika's answer he looked stern, ready for anything to come at him.

•~A Conflict Between the Spiders and a Kurta~•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz