Black Eyes and Innocent Smiles

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My eyes locked with hers for a split second before she turned around talking with her friend .

I couldn't see her face because of darn corona and them shitty masks . One thing I was captivated of was her eyes.

She had really beautiful big black eyes , beautiful eyelashes fanning her bread cheeks with a perfect set of eyebrows.

She looks .... pure .

Things went by rather smoothly with us sneaking glances in betwen. I wanted to talk to her. It was an inexplainable feeling that I still cant figure out.

Just when I was about to try my luck for befriending her our class coordinator came up with a stack of papers. She said it was a counselling form.

Okay so lets fill it up .

Name... ok done
Age.. humm 18
Nationality... okay
Relationship status ..〣( ºΔº )〣

And then began my most intense eye contact with Chloe.

"Yo bro should we write single"

 ̄へ ̄

How am I even friends with this brute lol.

And then the whole class started whispering about writing Single or unmarried. Thats when I started talking to her.

She said her name was Alice and that her friend's name was Vanessa. Both of them came from the ever domineering aristocratic family.
They said there was another girl who was yet to join and that they were friends since childhood.

Me and Chloe got along just fine with them and then surprisingly enough the first day of college went by rather smoothly.

Soon more students filled in the following days and just like that a week flew by so easily. Without even realizing we four had formed our own little bubble of friendship.

We sat together, read books together, Vanessa and Alice even walked us to the parking lot everyday...

It was a regular Monday morning as always but heck we had a viva right after this lecture. I was flipping through my notes frantically trying to memorize things but to no avail.

"Thats it broo , my brain is fried. "

I gave up reading those humongous charts and weird ass words and literally sprawled myself onto the bench rather unceremoniously.

Vanessa sighed at my exaggerated performance and looked back at her notes wordlessly. I was about to get into the depths of my dreamworld , when the teacher barged in along with a small girl trailing behind her .

"Everyone SILENCE!! we have a new student joining us today . Please make sure she knows the gist about everything."

All of us nodded along with what she said . I tried to peek and look at the new girl but I couldnt quite see her as she was looking down the entire time.

Heh maybe nervous for the first day.

I was about to call Chloe and tell her about it and just at the same time the new student looked up and smiled...



A/n : Thats all for today see you again next time (´ε` )♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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