The Hanging Spider

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She hangs upon a golden thread,

A woven masterpiece

Above her rests her faithful web,

The reason for her peace

Her rival watches with bloodshot eyes,

A face drowning in horror

As the reason for her demise,

Was the sound of her own holler

The hanging woman breaths a sigh,

Sending frost into the air

She knows that this is her last night,

And sets her gaze upon her slayer


Well, originally this was a poem I had to do for creative writing class. The assingment was to 'imitate' another poem's form. .-. But, me being me, I was surfing the web and found a greek mythological story on Arachne and Athena. It inspired me to write this poem, and then the story I did for nanowrimo. (which I still haven't posted... ehehe ^.^") I love Greek Mythology and I highly recommend you reading the story on wikipedia or something ;D And well, totally off topic, but if you like greek mythology as well you should listen to a song called Daedalus by Thrice. It's based off the story of Daedalus and Icarus and it is just... beautiful. <3


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