Chapter. 1

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As a young lawyer in the big city of New York, Jessica had to work her ass off against the older gentleman at her law firm in order to get even a tenth of the cases the firm had. She had graduated Yale at the top of her class and had a very promising future as a brilliant lawyer. People at the firm didn't think she could handle it and tried to get her to quit but little did they know, she was a lot tougher than she looked. She took everything they threw at her with a grain of salt because she knew they were trying to test her and it paid off.

After five years of bullshit she was finally able to take on clients of the upper class and won almost every case. She was smart, but also ruthless in exposing the truth no matter the cost. She was a defense lawyer and she tore anyone down until there was nothing left to expose. That was just at work though, in reality she was a very sweet down to earth woman who had a good life growing up in the middle of nowhere in the beautiful state of Oklahoma.

She loved her country life but she wanted more for herself so she had a plan to go to law school, get a job at a top firm in the city and move home after ten years of work to open her own firm in her hometown because the local lawyer was getting up there in age and wanted to retire. He was her mentor and helped her get into law school and helped her when she had issues at the firm. She wanted to return the favor for him one day when she was ready but life had other plans for her.

"Hello mom." She answered a video call as she sat down after a long day of work, a glass of red wine in hand and her shoes off with her hair down.

"Hello darling, you look exhausted. Are you doing alright?" Her mother, Joan asked with concern, lacing her voice as she looked at her only niece, only she isn't thought of as a niece. Jessica lost her parents at a young age due to an accident on a boat and the only relative was her aunt, Joan and Joan raised her since she was seven.

"I'm alright mom. I just had a long day and had to go visit a client in jail before heading home. How are you?" Jessica took a sip of wine and looked at her mom, the woman who gave her everything and loved her like she was her own daughter. They had a close relationship and Jessica would be lost without her.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news darling. I went to the doctor since I haven't been able to rid myself of this cough. He ran some tests and Jessica, I have stage four lung cancer. It's too advanced for them to do anything for it and I was given a couple of months left to live. Please don't ask me to get into any trials for my cancer or whatever there is. I don't want to spend what time I have left waiting on news of getting into one or sick from a treatment. I know this is a lot to take in darling and I am sorry for telling you like this but I couldn't keep it from you. I love you and I would love it if you would come home, at least until I pass? Of course everything is left to you, the farm, the Vineyard, the estate, the money, everything. I just want to spend time with you, take small trips, make more memories in the kitchen baking, drinking wine out by the fire under the stars and talking. Anything really, please Jessica? Please come home." Jessica had let the wine glass slip from her fingers listening to her mother tell her she was dying and that she doesn't want help and wants her home.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I promise not to push anything on you treatment wise but I can't promise I won't take care of you. I will let you know what time I booked a flight for and what day, which I will do as soon as we hang up and I will pack a few bags and be on my way. Don't worry about picking me up, I'll get a cab or something. I love you mom, so much." Jessica was trying to not cry, to be strong for her mom but it was hard.

"I love you too darling. I'm going to go lay down, I'm tired. Just text me your flight information and I'll get it when I wake."

"Ok. Sleep well mom. I love you."

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