Chapter. 2

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Adam Cowie as Andrew ^^ top

After they ate dinner the three brothers left the kitchen but before they were at the front door Jessica stopped them and they turned to face her and she sighed looking at the three handsome men who must mean a great deal to her mom if her mom let them stay in her smaller home since her mom knows how much it means to Jessica so she clicked her tongue and sighed again.

"Ok look, I'm sorry I went all crazy earlier when I got here but you have to understand that home means more to me than anything else in this world. It was mine and my parents' place and ever since they died, I wanted to hold onto it as it was because I didn't want any new memories being made in it that weren't ours. When I lost them I lost a big part of myself and I can't let them go even after all these years. You must mean something to my mom if she lets you stay knowing what it means to me so please, stay. I will learn to live with it and I'll try not to freak out again when I see something has changed. Again I apologize for how I acted earlier and have a good night gentlemen." Jessica turned around and Joshua, Nicholas, and Stephen smiled and shook their heads. They are a lot alike and look similar but Joshua is the tallest out of the three.

They walked out of the house and walked around the Vineyard to make sure things were running smoothly before heading to the house. The brothers sat around the table and had a beer, talking about what they have to do tomorrow and about Jessica and Asher. When Asher was mentioned Nicholas felt his face heat up and tried to not make it obvious the man had an effect on him. He may be a tough looking cowboy but he was a sensitive man and was gentle, kind, and caring. Stephen was the silent type, only spoke when he had an opinion but he could carry on a conversation and was extremely smart. Joshua was a hot head who didn't know when to keep his mouth shut and it got him into trouble a lot of the time. All three men though they could be sweet and loved their job at the estate.

They didn't grow up with much and their parents were deadbeat parents so they had to fend for themselves a lot. Living in such a small town everyone knows everyone's business and worked for the Vineyard and farm at one point or another. It was the biggest source of income and food and of course wine for the town. There were small businesses that sold the items and profits were made so people in town lived comfortably and if any issue were to arise, it was handled so no one was in major debt or lost their livelihood.

Jessica when she was younger was going to take over the family business when she was ready but since her mom is sick and dying, plans changed for everyone, not just Jessica. The brothers were to take over the Vineyard and the head cowboy of the farm, Andrew, the one in charge of training the new cows and horses, getting new workers and handling all of them and also the worker house and of course the farm itself was to take over so when Jessica came to town everyone was on edge and on their best behavior because no one wanted to lose their futures and would do anything to keep them.

People in the city tried to get Joan to sell the land over the years because they had so much land and it was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. People wanted pieces of it to build and extend for their own personal gain but Joan had refused and has fought hard to keep her land. Once she dies, it all goes to Jessica and no one there knows exactly how Jessica feels or what her plans are for the businesses. She hasn't been around or even knows all of what they have faced with the city's vultures circling around to try and swoop in and get Joan to sell.

"I'm going to talk with Miss. Jessica about everything that's been happening around here and get her to see that selling would be a bad idea." Andrew told Joshua when he joined them that evening.

"But we don't even know if she is going to sell. She just got here and is focusing on Miss. Joan. I doubt she will even have it on her mind right now." Stephen said and Nicholas agreed.

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