Part 1: Tutorial Island

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So Professor Kukui aka Shirtless Man That Will Barge Into Your House for No Reason and With No Permission Kukui calls me and asks me some questions that a 11 year old shouldn't answer. After that we have some random cutscene with Lillie, Team Aether, and the Ultra Recon Squad. Cosmog explodes, title screen, blah blah blah. I'm just gonna skip to the starter selection.

So I get to the part where you pick the starter and my Trainer ID starts with.................. well you don't actually get to see your Trainer ID until you get your starters so I rolled a Random Number Generator and I got a...............1. That means my starter is Rowlet which isn't the best out of all of them. The first Totem in this game is Gumshoos. Litten gets Double Kick which is super effective and Popplio get Dazzling Gleam which can hit two targets at once which makes the ally Pokemon so much easier to deal with. I could catch a ghost type at that one cemetary but thats really all the solutions I could come up with for now. I name him Archer and he has a Rash nature which is ok seeing as it doesn't lower any of Rowlet's best stats.

I meet Hau who gets his starter choice and seeing how Hau is one of those rivals in the newer gens that are super nice and always pick the starter weaker than you he picks Popplio who Archer can kill with two Leafages.

I then make it to Iki Town and Shirtless Man That Will Barge Into Your House for No Reason and With No Permission Kukui ( I'm just going to start calling him Kukui) tells me to go to Tapu Koko's ruins where I meet Lillie for the first time. Her Cosmog is on a bridge with Spearows surrounding it and she needs me to save it. I beat up a Spearow, hug Nebby who explodes sending us into a river but Tapu Koko can come in and save us.

After that Kahuna Hala comes back I give him the Sparkling Stone that will turn into a Z-ring which I can't use and I go back home where Kukui comes, knocks on the door and just opens it without anyone saying anything. I think that's a crime as well as following a innocent kid home. He also tells me to follow him to Route one where he gives me catching tutorial. It's not like I haven't caught 32 before in my last run. He gives me a Pokeballs and I catch a guaranteed Grubbin encounter with a 100% chance to catch it without weakening it and I name it Gru. Gru also has a Calm nature, which is pretty bad for a Grubbin. 

I meet the Ultra Recon Squad who says weird stuff about partying and then it's time to battle Hau. I lead with Grubbin and Hau leads with Pichu. Pichu uses Thunder Shock, paralyzing me but Gru gets a crit Vice Grip which does half. Two more Vice Grips take it out. Next is Popplio who goes down to a two Leafages.

After that, Hala gives me a useless Z-ring, Ultra Recon says more stuff about partying and I go back home where Lillie knocks on the door instead of Kukui and she doesn't come inside our house which is way better than Kukui's way. 

I hate the tutorials in this game. This time it's how to jump down a ledge by Lillie. They didn't teach you this in any of the older gens and they even didn't teach you this in Gen 8 either. (my 3ds just died and I didn't save. Nothing changed except for Archer having Timid, which is really bad, and Gru has Hardy which is neutral.)

At Kukui's Lab I catch a Slowpoke I name Sonic who has a Timid nature, a terrible nature for Slowpoke. I also make it to Kukui house where Kukui says, "Give it everything you got Rockruff, my body is ready." The problem is Kukui's Rockruff is a boy so.............never mind that. I go inside the lab, Kukui upgrades my Pokedex, Hau comes in and says lets be rivals and stuff and then I go to the Trainer's School.

Next, and hopefully last, tutorial is the Pokemon Center even though I've been to every Pokemon Center in Kalos except for Kiloude City and they all work the same way. After the useless Pokemon Center tutorial I have to go the Trainer's School because I need to learn the basics of battling. I also catch a Alolan Meowth with a Mild nature which is pretty good. I guess they don't care I beat 50% of the Elite 4 with 1 Pokemon. I'm forced to go and battle 4 trainers. The first one has a Bonsly that goes down to a few Leafages from Archer. The second has a Alolan Grimer but can be put to sleep and killed with Tackles from Sonic. The third trainer's Metapod can be killed with some Pecks from Archer. The last trainer's Ekans can be killed by putting it to sleep with Sonic and then Mud-Slapping it with Gru. 

Now I have to face the teacher who has a Litten with Ember. Luckily, Sonic learned Water Gun so I'll let you guess how that went. After that everybody congratulates me on absolutely obliterating them and I finally get out of there

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